A book & event to connect with!
/Read and share this October!
Read MoreIf you feel at a complete loss you may be just where you need to be.
Read MoreTalking to a few people at our Open Space experience in which we were making plans on what we could each do to make the world more an us place, and less an us and them place, I (Greg) heard a common dilemma. There is a tendency towards impatience and fixing big problems. Despite the urgency to change this world in which too many lives are harmed and generational damage is compounding, there are still no short cuts. We must rebuild systems around us from the ground up, and if we want it to last, change within us happens one-step at a time.
Start small. One person was stymied with how to develop meaningful intercultural relationships. The inability to figure out how to get there from where she was in one step was frustrating and discouraging. She was starting too big. Then another person, who was also white-bodied, said she would go to shops where she would be around people of different racial backgrounds and learn how to interact with them in ways that weren’t pushy or inappropriate but conveyed interest, respect and value and take it from there. Small steps. Discovering that such a simple first step might be exactly what is needed was like a lightbulb going off for the first person. “Is such a small step as this person proposed enough?” WRONG QUESTION. This is a Fabric insight: ask a wrong question and you’ll get an unhelpful answer.
What’s a BETTER QUESTION? “Is such a small step a useful next step in getting where you want to go?” That question leads to other better next questions, like, “What do I do with the rapport and understanding of people who aren’t ‘like me?’” and “How do I pass what I am learning on to others?”
Use your people. One of the strategic benefits of a community that is structured around healthy growth is that you aren’t the only one trying to figure stuff like this out. There are others a step ahead of you from whom you can learn. There are others hoping to do what you are to learn from you. And there are others who are right with you. This all creates a friendly atmosphere of mutual accountability, encouragement and learning.
Start small. What is the next piece missing between where you are and where you want to be? Don’t worry about deboarding from the airplane if you haven’t even bought a ticket and packed your bags yet. You’ll get there, but it’s not what’s next for you. (edited)
Step into the growth zone with others. Share ideas here.
It’s one thing to know about hearing about marginalized voices and another to hear, know, respect and respond to them. One thing to dream and talk about being loving and another to love.
Yesterday Fabric folks took that uncomfortable step of putting love into action. Using the practice of Open Space, Fabric folks shared ideas and made plans for action. Want to learn from and with kids? Check this out.
What are you going to try?
Talk with someone you trust about the step you want to try. What do you hope for? What feels hard?
How can you use perspectives, people and practice to help you keep trying stuff and learning?
By the way, Fabric is made to help you have regular, dependable windows for discovering perspectives, people and practice around the deeper questions you don’t get to engage everyday, but yet matter deeply for everyday. Connect with the current conversation in person on Sundays, with a Group and via podcast.
"Can we understand that good people that don't know everything could mess up and still be good people?”
This past Sunday, Joanne Reeck named this as the place to start for talking, listening and learning about the complex realities around race. Here are a couple great talking points around this:
Tell about a recent time you said or heard the words “I didn’t know that” (or wish you had).
When is the last time you felt defensive or angry related to interactions around race, inclusion or social justice? How could you re-write that interaction with this idea as the starting place?
Joanne Reeck founded United for Change and serves as the Chief Inclusion Officer at Augsburg University. She spoke as part of Fabric Minneapolis gathering around Hearing Voices on November 10. Listen here!
Story Stitch is an amazing way to practice and experience a different kind of listening…
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Fabric… now on the World Wide Web! Fabric is a thoughtful, progressive church community based in South Minneapolis. Together we're experimenting with what church can be for folks, and engaging life "woven deeply" (with ourselves, God, and all others) through conversations that matter, significant relationships, and inspiring experiences for people of all ages. We take this stuff seriously, and prioritize playfulness along the way!
A brief preview of our upcoming FabricTV+ series, and announcing the first-ever Fabric Film Festival! Put together a team and make a film together— it doesn’t matter if you’re a pro or haven’t made a short film before… it’s all about creativity, not perfection!
Photos and reflections by Jeanette Mayo
The turn of the calendar tempts us with promises of newness—fresh starts, better habits, upgraded versions of ourselves. But what if, instead of charging ahead with self-improvement schemes, we took a cue from winter’s stillness? What if we let go of the relentless hustle and embraced the radical idea that we are already enough?
Fabric’s January series, “Give Up,” has invited us into this counterintuitive wisdom—the grace of resting, receiving, and recognizing our inherent worth. Nature doesn’t demand that a hibernating bear emerge as a “better” bear. Spring’s renewal is not about striving but about unfolding what has been there all along.
In Wintering, Katherine May reminds us that transformation often happens in the quiet, unseen spaces. And in Belonging, Toko-pa Turner challenges us to strengthen our “receiving muscle,” to accept the support woven into our interconnected lives. “You are the receiver of too many generosities to count,” she writes. “Count them anyway.”
So, what if we stopped trying to earn our existence? What if we acknowledged the trees, the friendships, the small kindnesses that hold us? What if, instead of striving, we surrendered to belonging?
You are the gift. That’s enough. May it be so.
(Connect with us via
our Contact Page.)
Fabric MPLS
Sundays @ 10:30am
Field Elementary School, 4645 4th Ave S, Mpls, MN 55419 (map)
Questions? Connect with us via our Contact Page
Office: 3751 17th Ave S/ Minneapolis, MN 55407
(612) 822-0300
Regarding photos on our site, it is our intention to honor the wishes of subjects of the photos and the photographers taking them.
Use our contact page or send an email if there's a photo that you'd like removed or credited.
Some Deeper wisdom about doing your job from Mayyadda and Katy Schalla Lesiak’s OpEd this week. “…If those questions raise your own version of imposter syndrome or worry that you are wasting your time or not doing enough – you might be doing something right!”