A Fabric Group is any group of people meeting regularly to practice and connect around our shared Fabric conversations. They meet at a variety of times and in ways that work for them, generally in two seasons - Fall/Winter and Winter Spring.
It is always a good time to ask about Groups! Scroll down to see a list of the current and percolating groups this season. Talk to people on Sundays, contact Melissa anytime, or click on the button below to tell us what kind of group could work for you!
One of the reasons Fabric Groups are so life-giving is because they stay permeable! Meet a new person on a Sunday? Invite them to try out your group. Group getting big? Consider what new Group could be born out of yours! Fridays aren’t working well for you anymore? Click the button below to let us know what might work better!
“Significant Relationships”
“I’m invested with groups to build significant relationships and to create connections among others.”
— Erin
“Open minds and conversations.”
“Lots of open minds and conversations.”
— Chris
“You need your people!”
“People, you need your people!”
— Anne
“Set aside time…”
“The set aside time to incorporate what I am learning and learn with others.”
— Amanda
Some Deeper wisdom about doing your job from Mayyadda and Katy Schalla Lesiak’s OpEd this week. “…If those questions raise your own version of imposter syndrome or worry that you are wasting your time or not doing enough – you might be doing something right!”