To Hear Someone's Story
/To hear someone’ s story is a sacred gift. Listening to understand, not to decide, evaluate or respond takes a setting aside of oneself. It takes practice to be there for the other person, not yourself. Practice. Expect others to do the same for your story.
Thanks to Nick Theisen for helping us listen this past Sunday and hosted some holy sharing. Listen here! He talked about listening not only to the details, but also for the essence of that person. Try it this week!
Your Fabric Group is a great place to continue to practice listening! And many will practice with family and friends around table this holiday. Encourage each other to practice outside that group as well and share learnings. Without sharing the story itself, tell share what was different about it. What did you notice in yourself before, during or after?
Ian reflects a bit on the supposed divide between “sacred” and “secular,” and on Fabric’s 18+ year position straddling the two…