Building Trust Game
/Turns out that TRUST is important for relationships! It’s time to learn how to build it.
Here’s the scenario. You are going to be together with someone with whom you have major differences in attitude and opinion. You can employ Tactics, Speaking, and Listening to deal with the situation. Some of them are more helpful than others. Which of the following will you do and why? And what ones do you find yourself doing even though you probably shouldn’t?
Avoid the person
Avoid the conversation
If THE subject comes up, Say nothing
Say nothing to them and complain to everyone else
Change the subject
Hang out around them
Express interest in them
Learn something about them ahead of time and do some research so you can talk about it
Calm yourself beforehand
Let someone else know what you are doing so they can support you
Tell them they are wrong
Explain why they are wrong
Explain why they are wrong nicely
Call them names
Ask them, Do you REALLY believe that?
Ask them, Why do you believe THAT?!?
Ask them, HOW can you believe that?
Explain to them the ramifications on the world of what they believe
Ask them if they want to know what you think.
Explain how you are trying to be open to them, and that they aren’t doing that for you
Ask what brought them to believe what they do?
Ask clarifying questions
Reflect what you hear to confirm understanding
If asked what you think, use “I” statements instead of “You” statements.
Listen for the weakness in their argument
Roll your eyes often
Listen for a pause… so you can get your point in
Listen to understand
Listen for the person behind the words
Some Deeper wisdom about doing your job from Mayyadda and Katy Schalla Lesiak’s OpEd this week. “…If those questions raise your own version of imposter syndrome or worry that you are wasting your time or not doing enough – you might be doing something right!”