I Am A Pray Animal
/A reflection in poetry and photos by Jeanette Mayo. The goal is not to pray more, or worry less…
Read MoreA reflection in poetry and photos by Jeanette Mayo. The goal is not to pray more, or worry less…
Read MoreTurns out that TRUST is important for relationships! It’s time to learn how to build it.
Here’s the scenario. You are going to be together with someone with whom you have major differences in attitude and opinion. You can employ Tactics, Speaking, and Listening to deal with the situation. Some of them are more helpful than others. Which of the following will you do and why? And what ones do you find yourself doing even though you probably shouldn’t?
Avoid the person
Avoid the conversation
If THE subject comes up, Say nothing
Say nothing to them and complain to everyone else
Change the subject
Hang out around them
Express interest in them
Learn something about them ahead of time and do some research so you can talk about it
Calm yourself beforehand
Let someone else know what you are doing so they can support you
Tell them they are wrong
Explain why they are wrong
Explain why they are wrong nicely
Call them names
Ask them, Do you REALLY believe that?
Ask them, Why do you believe THAT?!?
Ask them, HOW can you believe that?
Explain to them the ramifications on the world of what they believe
Ask them if they want to know what you think.
Explain how you are trying to be open to them, and that they aren’t doing that for you
Ask what brought them to believe what they do?
Ask clarifying questions
Reflect what you hear to confirm understanding
If asked what you think, use “I” statements instead of “You” statements.
Listen for the weakness in their argument
Roll your eyes often
Listen for a pause… so you can get your point in
Listen to understand
Listen for the person behind the words
It’s been twelve days since this song came on and I pulled over in my car and wept.
Read MoreStory Stitch is an amazing way to practice and experience a different kind of listening…
Read MoreThis fall Fabric Kids have been taking time each week to participate in a few centering practices to help us calm down, gain focus, and to connect together as a group. One of the things we are aiming at is to help kids to become more aware of their bodies. When we have more awareness in our bodies, we can respond rather than react to what is going on. A great practice for all of us is to S.T.O.P – Stop what we are doing, Take 3 deep breaths, Observe what is happening around you and then Proceed with awareness.
Here are a few centering practices to try and home:
Slinky Breathing: Hold a slinky in the palm of your hand, settle your body, then with your other hand stretch the slinky up as you breath in and fill up your lungs. As you push the air out of your lungs return the slinky back to your palm, controlling your timing to match your breathing. Repeat 4-5 times.
Calm Down Jars: You can create a Calm Down Jar using a recycled soda or juice bottle. Rinse out and then fill 2/3 full with warm water. Add glitter glue and stir or shake (with lid) until it is mostly incorporated with the water. Then fill up the rest of the way with water. Put a small bead of hot glue in the lid to secure. When your body is feeling angry, upset, or worried, shake up the jar and then sit quietly watching the glitter fall back down to the bottom of the jar. Remember to breathe!
Tensing and Releasing: Lie down and take a few deep breaths. Say: Tense your stomach muscles for the count of two and then release or relax them. See how this feels. Say: Now we’ll start this tensing and relaxing with each part of the body, starting with the toes. Clench your toes for the count of two, then release them. Now clench your feet for two, then release. Let’s try your calf muscles. Clench for two, then release. Work your way up your body until you finally finish up by clenching and releasing the top of your head. For added fun, you can ask your child to make a silly face as he clenches his face. Think about how letting go of hurt feelings might feel in your body?
Jungle Yoga: Yoga is a great way to connect with our bodies and the way our bodies are holding onto our feelings. It’s fun too! We did Jungle Yoga at the beginning of the year! There are lots of on-line jungle pose ideas or books for kids that you can try!
Cupcake Breathing: Imagine that you are holding your favorite cupcake in your hand. What does it look like? What flavors would it have? Now breath in the smell of that cupcake, slowly so you can enjoy every whiff! Now, imagine that the cupcake has a birthday candle on top. Use your inhaled breath to blow out the candle creating an “O” shape with your lips as you are exhaling. Repeat 5 times.
As part of our small ‘t’ truth conversation we’ve come around once again to the power of a better question. What makes a “better” question anyway? Let’s explore one take on it…
Whether it's with friends, family, kids, colleagues or our fellow citizens, we are practiced at asking questions full of opinions and agendas. How can you believe that? Or a couple of my favorite parenting questions, Why did you do that? and Did you [fill in mom’s agenda here] yet? While these may temporarily give me a sense of satisfaction, they also create defensiveness, secrecy and probably some shame in my kids! What I really want to foster are courage, conviction and connection.
So, if “better” could mean more HONEST questions that OPEN up new connections to learning, to each other and to our deeper convictions, I’m in! What are we talking about here? In brief:
Open questions: create discovery and new territory to explore; many possible answers. What are some experiences that have shaped your beliefs?
Closed questions: invite quick, yes/no answers, narrow the field, stifle discovery Did you feel sheltered growing up in a small town?
Honest questions: no answers I hope or expect to hear, trust and invite the wisdom in others to speak. What options have you considered?
Not so honest questions: Leading, I know what I want or expect to hear, may be tainted with cultural assumptions, advice-in-disguise. How do you feel about going to college?
Asking open and honest questions is harder and more powerful than we think. We need low stakes, relaxed chances to practice. Below are 3 ideas for ways to try it, mess up, talk about it and try again!
ONE: Practice on yourself, in writing. Take an issue where you feel a little stuck and write out a Q & A, trying out questions on yourself as if someone else was asking you.
TWO: Over dinner with a friend or your family what if you just talked about it? “So when people need support or help talking something through, I feel like I could get better at asking helpful questions. What do you think makes a helpful or less helpful question?” Come up with examples together and talk about times with others that you’ve been on the receiving end of open & honest versus closed & not-so-honest questions. How did that feel? Admit that you want to grow in asking better questions and invite them to let you know when it might be time to question your question.
THREE: Here’s an exercise to do with a group…
Someone be the askee. Think of a lower stakes decision you are facing. (Maybe an invitation or request you’ve received, plans you are making, changes or purchases you are considering, a minor problem that needs to be addressed…)
Explain the decision to your Listener/Question Asker(s)
Listener/Question Asker(s) - listen attentively; then take a minute to jot down some ideas for open and honest questions.
Start asking! Try out your questions.
Hear a question that seems not so open and honest? Time to question your question? Call “PICKLES!” Share why, talk about it for a moment. Then keep going, keep messing up, keep learning.
Switch roles.
Have fun practicing!
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Fabric… now on the World Wide Web! Fabric is a thoughtful, progressive church community based in South Minneapolis. Together we're experimenting with what church can be for folks, and engaging life "woven deeply" (with ourselves, God, and all others) through conversations that matter, significant relationships, and inspiring experiences for people of all ages. We take this stuff seriously, and prioritize playfulness along the way!
A brief preview of our upcoming FabricTV+ series, and announcing the first-ever Fabric Film Festival! Put together a team and make a film together— it doesn’t matter if you’re a pro or haven’t made a short film before… it’s all about creativity, not perfection!
Photos and reflections by Jeanette Mayo
The turn of the calendar tempts us with promises of newness—fresh starts, better habits, upgraded versions of ourselves. But what if, instead of charging ahead with self-improvement schemes, we took a cue from winter’s stillness? What if we let go of the relentless hustle and embraced the radical idea that we are already enough?
Fabric’s January series, “Give Up,” has invited us into this counterintuitive wisdom—the grace of resting, receiving, and recognizing our inherent worth. Nature doesn’t demand that a hibernating bear emerge as a “better” bear. Spring’s renewal is not about striving but about unfolding what has been there all along.
In Wintering, Katherine May reminds us that transformation often happens in the quiet, unseen spaces. And in Belonging, Toko-pa Turner challenges us to strengthen our “receiving muscle,” to accept the support woven into our interconnected lives. “You are the receiver of too many generosities to count,” she writes. “Count them anyway.”
So, what if we stopped trying to earn our existence? What if we acknowledged the trees, the friendships, the small kindnesses that hold us? What if, instead of striving, we surrendered to belonging?
You are the gift. That’s enough. May it be so.
(Connect with us via
our Contact Page.)
Fabric MPLS
Sundays @ 10:30am
Field Elementary School, 4645 4th Ave S, Mpls, MN 55419 (map)
Questions? Connect with us via our Contact Page
Office: 3751 17th Ave S/ Minneapolis, MN 55407
(612) 822-0300
Regarding photos on our site, it is our intention to honor the wishes of subjects of the photos and the photographers taking them.
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Some Deeper wisdom about doing your job from Mayyadda and Katy Schalla Lesiak’s OpEd this week. “…If those questions raise your own version of imposter syndrome or worry that you are wasting your time or not doing enough – you might be doing something right!”