Getting away from our regular routines and spaces as well as sculpting out a larger chunk of time can be a great way to build belonging and community, wrestle with some big ideas, and practice weaving life deeply. Fabric offers a number of ways for youth to do just that! Whether it is a weekend away on retreat or a whole week away at camp or a summer trip, youth can engage in a variety of new experiences that help us all to think big and show up in brave ways, and they are just a lot of fun too!
SUMMER 2025:
High School Trip to Chicago: July 22-27
Time to explore and experience, High Schoolers will head a few hours east to spend six days in Chicago discovering the city’s wonders and practicing being community.
Location: Chicago, IL
Ages: Kids who have completed 8th grade through 12th grade.
Transportation: Group will travel to Chicago via Amtrak. Travel around the city will be public transportation.
Cost: Cost: $900 - less fundraising. $100 discount available for the second child from a family.
Fundraising: Fundraising opportunities and second-child discounts available. Group fundraising begins in December and will be used to reduce travel and overall trip costs.
Registration is due March 18th, 2025. A Fabric waiver and health form must also be filled out (see links below) and emailed to Della at
Weaver-Fray Camp: August 3–7
Join Fabric youth (kids who have completed 3 rd grade – 8 th grade) are invited for a week of swimming, boating, campfires, games, creating, and connecting with what it means to live a life woven deeply.
Location: True Friends Camp Courage, Maple Lake MN
Dates: August 3-7
Pre-Camp Lock In: (date TBD)
Cost: $490 per camper (Pay what you can options available)
Some Deeper wisdom about doing your job from Mayyadda and Katy Schalla Lesiak’s OpEd this week. “…If those questions raise your own version of imposter syndrome or worry that you are wasting your time or not doing enough – you might be doing something right!”