super | natural - Digging in the Dirt of the Divine

Could it be that the closer we look at ourselves, each other and the world the more we begin to recognize “God?” Could it be that the “supernatural” is actually so integral to what we are a part of that it is super… natural? Perhaps even as natural as our very breath? We’ll seek to create a space to contemplate meaning, spirituality, and God without needing to rely on magical tropes.

June 30 | Supernatural, or Super Natural? - Is God supernatural, or as close and natural as our own breath? In a time where many claims about God are being made to bolster many agendas, it seems like a good time to affirm the diversity of thought around what is often named “God.”

July 7 | Drawing Outside the Lines - Does God “belong” to the institution of religion? Are “God” and “Church” the same thing with different shapes? Let’s find ways to enter into this conversation in fresh ways. LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE

July 14 | Super Natural Humility - How do you regard yourself? Can you separate it from how you regard others and your place in the larger order of things? Ever act like a God-like know-it-all one minute then feel like a know-nothing piece of dirt the next? The word “humility,” like “human,” derives from the word humus, earth. Join us as we dig deeper into the supernatural dirt of the divine and find the compassion for all those human sides of us that comes along with humility. LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE

July 21 | Art Fair (Open Mic) - Calling all performance artists! With live performance having such a power to bring us together, Fabric is hosting an open mic as part of the Minnehaha Falls Art Fair on July 21. Sign up to share a family friendly song or a poem or two! Click HERE to sign up!

July 28 | The Inside Out of Befriending Doubt - blurb coming soon

August 4 | The Kind of Church I Can Work With - blurb coming soon

August 11 | Goosechase! Stay tuned for a special event (not at the Minnehaha Falls Bandstand).

August 18 | Giving Shape to the Mystery - blurb coming soon

August 25 | Title - blurb coming soon

September 1 | Title - blurb coming soon

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