HEIDI ESPOSITO (she/her), Master of Fun (Children’s Ministries)
I spent the first 40 years of my life going to (and working at) a traditional church. It was great for me, it was a place of friends, memories and traditions for me and my family. But, in lots of ways it was something that I was doing to ‘get through’, I was operating on a belief that if I worked really hard and did all the right stuff, God would love me…better. As the idea of Fabric began to take shape, I began to get the uncomfortable feeling that God was about something different. For me Fabric has been about discovering that it isn’t about working harder to be “good” or more “Christian”, but about figuring out what God looks like in the messiness of my life. Getting to experience this alongside kids and youth is both an honor and worship for me – #wegettodothis.
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KATY KENNEDY (she/her), Operations Administration
Is there a place I can really be myself and honestly wrestle with faith? As someone who did not grow up in church, I’ve always felt a deep desire to know God…but I’ve struggled, and continue to struggle for many reasons. Fabric is a community that welcomes and encourages my questions, and supports me as I wrestle with life and faith. For the first time, ever, I feel that I can be myself in a church community…and that we’re wrestling together. This is incredibly valuable to me.

MELISSA LOCK (she/her), Community Engagement
Can a community like Fabric pull me into my life and the world, not out of it? I don’t need to be busier or given nice experiences or answers that make me feel better for the moment. I need to be honest and connected with nothing to prove but a real life to show up for. How can we weave life together in ways that create ongoing, available spaces for growth and belonging? What kind of impact could that have on us? On our world? This might be worth changing my schedule for.
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Ian McConnell (he/him), Lead Pastor
I’ve spent most of the past 20 years working in youth ministry, and before coming alongside Fabric, I spent 6 years as a pastor at a large, programmatic church. It feels refreshing to be a part of the Fabric community, where we get to experiment in the religious sandbox, and be innovative about what church can be, rather than just performing it. Woof. I love being a part of building community for the sake of the common good together, and am deeply interested in ongoing learning, leadership development, and gleaning wisdom from a diverse network. I ask questions, but don't necessarily need concrete answers. Maybe you can relate!?

EDUCATION: University of Minnesota, Augsburg University, Luther Seminary
OTHER STUFF: Timberwolves & Lynx basketball! Cooking. Dancing with Rachel and the kids. Gardening. Star Wars. Live Music. 75 and sunny. Laughing with, not at.
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CHRIS TRIPOLINO (he/him), Inspiring Experience Curator
Can a spiritual community actually be powerful in my life, my circles, and the world during my lifetime and stretching across the generations following me? Can my heart, music, thoughts, and efforts make a difference? I think so. If you’re a songwriter, I love cowriting. Or reach out if you want to dream about “church” post-church or talk about intentional communities, mysticism, parenting, or artistry!
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