Better Than Compromise

Better Than Compromise 2020.png

Win/lose is the game we usually play, but in the end it becomes lose/lose. So we turn to compromise. Not quite what either of us want, but what we will settle for. Really? Is that the best we can do? Four years ago we faced a divisive election and today another that feels like round two on steroids. Back then we met it with a vision for Better Than Compromise that still feels true and relevant today, so we are revisiting that vision to see how it can continue to lead us today. Join the conversation!

Episode 1: What’s Wrong with Compromise (aired 10/29). As individuals and as society we need to explore what is better than compromise and what it takes to get there.

Episode 2: Pause and Catch Your Breath (aired 11/6). Whether you were on the winning side, the losing side, or somewhere in the middle it is important to pause, take a breath, and remember that it is not about winning or losing.

Episode 3: A Commitment to the Big Win (aired 11/13). Will you commit to a win neither you or the other side could accomplish alone, and that neither of you can see coming?

Episode 4: The Journey to Better Than Compromise (aired 11/19). A simple gift that breathes life, dignity, possibility and hope into a broken world. Let’s practice.