Better Than Compromise

Better Than Compromise

Win/lose is the game we usually play, but in the end it becomes lose/lose. So we turn to compromise. Not quite what either of us want, but what we will settle for. Really? Is that the best we can do? Four years ago we faced a divisive election and today another that feels like round two on steroids. Back then we met it with a vision for Better Than Compromise that still feels true and relevant today, so we are revisiting that vision to see how it can continue to lead us today. Join the conversation!

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What does that word conjure up in you? For many it is worn and tired carrying baggage better left behind. But is that it? Citizenship is more than a birth certificate and a passport. To be a citizen is a gift and a duty, it comes with rights and responsibilities, but most of all, it is who you can be in building a world that we all want to be part of. On November 3 you have a chance to show the kind of citizen you are - and voting is only the beginning. Tune in for a new vision and steps that can make this a more perfect union.

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