

Citizen! Final.png

What does that word conjure up in you? For many it is worn and tired carrying baggage better left behind. But is that it? Citizenship is more than a birth certificate and a passport. To be a citizen is a gift and a duty, it comes with rights and responsibilities, but most of all, it is who you can be in building a world that we all want to be part of. On November 3 you have a chance to show the kind of citizen you are - and voting is only the beginning. Tune in for a new vision and steps that can make this a more perfect union. 

Episode 1: Why Be a Citizen? (aired 10/16). With an election three weeks away, we are at a critical juncture of realizing what it means to be a citizen and of acting on it. This is about thought and action.

Episode 2: What a citizen can do (aired 10/24).  A citizen can create the future for ourselves, our children, and our children’s children. It is what we are always doing, whether we know it or not.