Something New Is Being Born


It’s easy to see how things are falling apart during difficult times like we are now in. Let’s not let that happen with our Christmas, let’s not let that happen with our lives. Not because we don’t want to face reality but because, in reality, something very different can be going on. It’s not up to fate, it’s up to us. And that very different thing is that something new is being born. To see it we will be looking through various lenses of our world to glimpse the telltale signs of conceiving, carrying, birthing and raising what we don’t yet know.

Episode 1 - Something New is Being Born: Conceiving (aired 11/27). During this noisy time of holiday, pandemic and more, can you be still and sense what is just starting to take hold in you?

Episode 2 - Something New is Being Born: Carrying (aired 12/5). This is about the idea, hope, possibility or necessity that finds its way into your life.

Episode 3 - Something New is Being Born: Birthing (aired 12/11). Every being, every new company, new social movement, book, symphony and painting got birthed. You can do this! You aren’t alone, you know.

Episode 4 - Something New is Being Born: Raising (aired 12/17). You thought the other stuff was hard, welcome to raising up what you gave birth to. How do you let go of what you gave your life for?