Your Dopamine Menu?
/As part of as part of our Care IQ gathering today (watch it here!), Chris and Jenny Lillehei helped us reflect on how easy it is to swing into unhelpful extremes (e.g., “it’s all up to me” to “I’m irrelevant, nothing matters”) when we isolate in times of stress; AND on how easy it is for community to help us be more responsive and less reactive in those same times of stress.
Chris talked about "the incredible intelligence of community." Here's one small example that could be fantastic gift to yourself this week: create your own dopamine menu!
It came in on one of our communication cards and we got permission to pass along. Thanks Kaarin!
Helpful message. Thank you Lilleheis! I lessened my social media consumption and have been doing better. Still anxious about election but hopeful. Fighting a little cold. At Group last week we made a dopamine menu to help us make healthy choices in the midst of worry and anxiety. It's been helpful! So grateful for this community!
here’s kaarin’s rough draft shared with the reminder that you “can’t do it wrong!”
kaarin bought this from The Centered Life - Therapy and Life Coaching (
Some Deeper wisdom about doing your job from Mayyadda and Katy Schalla Lesiak’s OpEd this week. “…If those questions raise your own version of imposter syndrome or worry that you are wasting your time or not doing enough – you might be doing something right!”