Don't Feed the Animals

So why is it? You don’t mean to hurt people, or to do the same thing you did last time, and you never intended to let the situation get out of control like that but it did...and it’s a mess...again. We all have many emotions, tendencies and reactions ready to go within us. They all have a place, but most were never meant to run the shop, or your life. That’s what happens when you feed the animals. Join us this fall for a little help in getting the wrong stuff out of the driver’s seat of your life, and right stuff in it. An image for each week’s topic is below, and be sure to join us in the Zoom Room each Sunday!

Episode 1: Why Not Feed the Animals (aired 9/11). There are animals inside you that are part of being human. They each have a purpose, but if we let them, if we feed them, they start taking over and calling the shots.

Episode 2: Attachment (aired 9/18). Attachment is an animal we mistakenly feed, and its clenched fists squeeze the life out of what we love. For a life that gives life, learn how to not feed this one.

Episode 3: Hatred (aired 9/25). You are probably among the majority of people who don’t think they hate anyone or anything. It might be good to take a look inside to see what may be crowding love out of your heart.

Episode 4: Comparison (aired 10/2). Like all the animals, comparison has a purpose, but feed it and let it loose and it will eat you for lunch. Life is not about comparison.

Episode 5: Certainty (aired 10/8). No matter how you talk about it, how sure can you be? Certainty is a tempting goal, but it seldom comes.