North Star Wk 4 - Red in the Shed

Group Guide

WELCOME (10-15 mins)

Orienteering is all about moving in relation to where North is… you figure out where you want to go, “put red in the shed,” and head in that direction! This feels like a pretty good strategy for decision making too– aligning our course in relationship to where our “North Stars” are. How might we use this concept?

Warm Up, Dig In & Closing ideas below!


Gallery-guess check in: Share your name and one of the 3 most recent photos on your phone. See if the group can guess what mattered enough for you to take that photo?

What helps this space be a growth zone? Folks gathered last Sunday at Field talked about that! Check out the refreshed Group Practices that came out of it! How do these land for you all here? Invite everyone to notice one they have a stronger reaction to and share that if they wish. Maybe they really like it, or value it or maybe they kind of bristle at it! Name that too. See if you can find a way to capture what matters for your group in words that work.

keeping these in front of you can be as simple as literally putting them on the table! Pick one of these up on Sundays at the info table.


  1. Share some initial thoughts and feelings that come up when you hear the question: What are your Core Values?

  2. Team up in 2s or 3s to share one core value that you would name - just to practice with. Use the list and process Ian offered on on the Sunday Paper.

  3. Do people relate to the “zing” feeling? That thing you feel when you notice you are living out of alignment with your values? Maybe it is as simple as seeing that piece of trash, almost walking by it but the zing causes you to stop and pick it up…

    • Or maybe you don’t because of another value that is in conflict with the one that says you should pick it up! Talk about times when your values were in conflict with each other. What was that like for you? How did you handle it?

  4. Take a ROAM (Read, Observe, Apply, Meditate) Matthew 22: 36-40 and Mark 3: 1-6. Jesus seems to indicate some of his own core values whenever people asked him questions like, “which law is the most important?” or when he gets challenged by authority figures around rigid rules and norms.

    • How might the ongoing practice of living in alignment with your values lead to challenging your own norms and the norms around you?

    • What do you need to go there? (Courage, support, long haul attitude, thicker skin…)

    • What practices help you access those things?


  1. Share one thing you will take away from this time that you want to remember this week.

    • *NEW - you can share comments below! It’s another channel we’re exploring for keeping the conversation going and deepening as different Groups share what they are discovering and wondering. First five Groups to share a takeaway or highlight in the comments will get a favorite Group snack delivered! Two have shared so far this fall. Pop in your comments and test this thing!

  2. Confirm your plan for next time.  



Who will coordinate, facilitate, provide hospitality or other needs:

Remember, anyone is welcome to serve the group in these and other ways. In fact, it is a way you will grow and connect!