North Star Wk 3 - Keep Coming Back

Group Guide

WELCOME (10-15 mins)

The truth is, most of us are “off course” most of the time when it comes to aligning our best intentions with what we actually do. Instead of fighting it, what if we could learn to recognize and admit it with a little more ease, grace and regularity? What’s it like to have people to practice that kind of honesty, acceptance and re-orienting with over time? Turns out it’s pretty fun and empowering. And Fabric Groups are made for it!

Warm Up, Dig In & Closing ideas below!


Share, Care, Trust & Grow — great things to practice and find in all our relationships! Families, teams, friends, etc. But they have lots of important other functions and purposes. Fabric Groups are different in that fostering these four things is the only reason for them!

  • Share your name and one of the 4 words (share, care, trust, grow) that captures something that brings you to Fabric Groups this fall.

  • If you wish - is there a particular “stretched rubber band” place of potential in your life (excitement, worry, uncertainty, expectation, newness…) that relates to your word?


  1. On Sunday people named some of their hesitancies about the “potential” of Groups: Time, group dynamics, not sure what to expect, will I be accepted, will I say something or do something wrong…

    • What worries or hesitations did you hear from people? What do you relate to?

  2. How does the vision and structure of Fabric Groups speak to or maybe relieve some of those challenges for you?

    • Vision…that this is for people who are off course most of the time and willing to admit it, practice accepting it so they can grow and enjoy life from where they really are! That it’s about share, care, trust and growth - all grounded in our 3-strandedness.

    • Structure… of a shared 3-straned conversation, intentional and shared leadership, permeability…and the shared practices we affirmed and refreshed together on Sunday!

practice makes progress

3. In light of this conversation, take a ROAM (Read, Observe, Apply, Meditate) together through this strangely ending passage in Ecclesiastes 4.9-12, and/or this quote: “You can survive on your own; you can grow strong on your own; you can prevail on your own; but you cannot become human on your own.” ― Frederick Buechner, The Sacred Journey: A Memoir of Early Days

  • Pair up and share a wondering, discovery or reminder you might need that comes up for you. Ask what they see!

  • Can you name emotions you feel when you are aligned and misaligned with your North Star?


  1. Share one thing you will take away from this time that you want to remember this week.

    • *NEW - you can share comments below! First five Groups to share a takeaway or highlight in the comments will get a favorite Group snack delivered!

  2. Confirm your plan for next time.  



Who will coordinate, facilitate, provide hospitality or other needs:

Remember, anyone is welcome to serve the group in these and other ways. In fact, it is a way you will grow and connect!