Because I Love You

What God is and how God speaks to us is more than we will ever comprehend, but the universe God is revealed in seems to be saying that we exist and matter for only one reason, “Because I love you.” That’s it. Nothing more. There are certainly hard, arbitrary, and unfair parts of life too, they cannot and should not be denied. But even there we find some odd paradox of joy and hope when we discover what love this big is all about. Join us for the weeks leading up to Christmas to immerse in Covid appropriate experiences of not just hearing about, but engaging in this unstoppable love.

Because I Love You - Beautiful (podcast aired Nov 28) From the scant words in a poem, a stranger’s smile, to the changing autumn leaves there is beauty in the world telling you that you are loved. Even in a barren desert, if you look, you find nature has a gift of beauty in the crystalline structure of the sand. This week we will be part of several activities that zoom us in from our 35,000’ view of life speeding by to witness the love in the simple beauty of our world. Episode Page

Because I Love You - Breathtaking (podcast aired Dec 5) There is the simple beauty of nature, and then there is the other end of the spectrum; phenomena so grand, so unfathomably vast, that it can be terrifying. It is easy to feel insignificant, small and lost in a universe as infinite as ours. Or you can hear a voice in its immensity saying, “And yet, there is a place for you!” Join us this week to experience a variety of ways you are told “I love you” as your breath is stolen. Episode Page

Because I Love You - Fragile (podcast aired 12/12/21) It is interesting that love’s power is different from most other forms of it. Rather than heavy handed and showy, its unstoppable nature comes in fragile forms. Billboards and headlines can announce it, but only the heart can know it. Is it possible that unconditional love offered in vulnerable ways is not only risky for you, but comes at great cost to the giver? This week we’ll experience receiving and giving this fragile love. Episode Page

Because I Love You - Undeserved (podcast aired Dec 19) When you go to a birthday party, it’s not about you, but you still get the party. The sun doesn’t set with brilliant colors just for you each evening, but you do get to see it! Perhaps this ‘too big to imagine’ God is reminding you that you are loved, that’s it, by letting you be at the universe’s party everyday. What if one of the most important lessons of love is learned by realizing how much it just is, whether you deserve it or not. Christmas is next week. We’ll find a variety of ways for all ages to steep in this gift! Episode Page