
You know how things work, but do you know how they could work? We do so many things well, yet so many systems and institutions are not meeting today’s challenges. Besides, everything needs continual rethinking, reinventing and…reimagining. Starting Oct 31 some amazing leaders from the Twin Cities will join us who are reimagining our lives and world into a more fair, healthy, fulfilling reality. They will help you with your own reimagination too.

Reimagining your Story (podcast aired 10/31) - Only you can tell your story. Only your neighbor can tell theirs. This week Amara Solomon Kamara, contributing author to the Green Card Voices' graphic novel, Our Stories Carried Us Here (reserve your copy HERE) will share his story and help us learn to know, value, and tell our own. Everyone's story matters! Start tickling your reimagining muscles now! Sunday Paper & Outline

Reimagining Your Life (aired 11/7) - Award winning poet Michael Kleber-Diggs will join us to share how he has used poetry to reimagine the world he grew up in and lives in now. Maybe how he can help us all reimagine our shared future. He will share poetry from his recent book, Worldly Things, and show us how poetry has been a vehicle for his reimagination. He will also guide us in practices to help us better understand parts of our lives we can reimagine. Sunday Paper & Outline

Reimagining Healing All of Us (aired 11/14) - You are familiar with the western medical industry that serves us well in many ways, but even those practitioners know there is more. Ihotu Ali has been working to fill that gap by reaching into longstanding cultural practices to find the best that science, spiritual, and cultural health can offer. Healing needs to be for all parts of you and for all of us; especially those historically left out. Let Ihotu help you reimagine healing and get a chance to try what she is learning. Sunday Paper & Outline

Reimagining a Woven World (aired 11/22) - Artistic Directors of Pangea World Theater, Dipankar Mukherjee and Meena Natarajan, stepped away from the mainstream, well-funded, secure world of theater to reimagine theatre as an intersection of art and racial justice. The risk they took is making a difference! They will share why their theater exists and lead us in experiences to help us understand why Fabric exists and why Fabric matters, and perhaps why you matter! Sunday Paper & Outline