
You’ve known it for a while, in the back of your mind at first, and then it kept coming up. It’s hard to explain, but you know this is important. And then you meet some other people talking about the same thing and your heart tells you - whether it is pleasant or scary, or a little of both - that this is part of your future. It’s like those October leaves, picked up by a gentle breeze, and dancing down the street. Something is stirring. Here’s what we talked about…

Listening to Your Stirrings (podcast aired 10/10) - We are so busy with our day to day busy-ness that we often miss the rumblings of change echoing deep within us. Stirrings are the first signs that what was will not forever be; that something new is being born. These stirrings are important and they are complicated. And it is time for us to figure out what to do with them. Sunday Paper

Stirrings in Your Relationships (podcast aired 10/17)- One of the reasons change starts with stirrings is that they are telling us something we would rather not know. Something we’ve blocked from our consideration. But because they are real they keep making noise until we wake up - unless we’ve mastered how to ignore them forever. That is not a skill you want to master. The people in your life are too important. Let’s get to know the stirrings in our relationships. Sunday Paper

Stirrings in Your Career (aired 10/25) - It is not just your career, it is your work, your effort, your focus, what you invest your life in. How did or will you figure that out? Do you ever wonder - maybe in the middle of the night - if you got it right? We’d all like an aptitude test that gave us the answer, but it is more likely to be stirrings that let us know. Inexact, vague, hard to decipher stirrings. Messy. Let’s take a look, after all, you want your life to matter, right? Sunday Paper & Outline