Search Team Community Updates
Drum roll please! (Update on 01/08/2024)
Hello Fabric,
Yesterday, at a special meeting called by the Fabric Board of Directors, the Fabric Community voted unanimously to call Ian McConnell as Fabric's Lead Pastor following Greg's retirement later this month. This marks the culmination of nearly 2 years of planning, discernment, and actions that have brought us to this important moment. Details of the process are outlined below.
The Search Team and Fabric Board are both honored to have been trusted with this task and proud and appreciative of the teams and their work. We are excited about the future of Fabric and thrilled with the community's wholehearted endorsement of Ian to lead Fabric into our next chapter. Ian's first day will be February 14, 2024.
We can now turn our full attention to Greg's final weeks as our pastor ~ honoring and celebrating him and his vision that has become Fabric. Please join us for the next two Sunday mornings at Field School for The Gospel According to Greg and then for a party to celebrate with Greg the evening of Sunday, January 21.
The Fabric Board and Search Team
Vote on Sunday, January 7 (Update - 01/07/2024)
Hello Fabric,
The Fabric Board and Search Team are extremely excited about the future of Fabric and you, the Fabric Community, play a critical role. Tomorrow, Sunday, January 7th, the Fabric community will be asked to vote to engage Ian McConnell as the future Lead Pastor of Fabric following Greg’s retirement. We hope that you will be part of this important process.
Who is able to vote? Any person 18 years or older who considers themselves to be a “REGULAR” at Fabric.
Who is a “Regular”? Those who have self-identified as a “Regular” (for example, on communication cards) or regularly engage as a part of Fabric are invited to vote.
How do I vote? The vote will take place immediately following the gathering on Sunday, January 7th (approximately 11:30am-noon) at Field Community School.
What if I am unable to attend on Sunday? You may cast your vote by emailing An email will be sent to you with directions on how to enter your vote using an online ballot. All votes must be placed online by 11:30am Sunday, January 7th to be included in the vote count.
Meet Ian McConnell!!
Many of you were able to meet Ian at the Meet and Greets on January 4th and 5th. For those of you who were unable to meet Ian, Click HERE to read a greeting from Ian and more about his background. You can also click HERE to watch a recording of Friday’s Zoom Meet and Greet introductions.
Let’s Talk Process
To ensure that everyone feels as prepared and informed as possible, a summary of the Transition Team and Search Team processes is outlined below. A brief presentation of these processes will also be made prior to the vote on January 7th.
How did this process begin?
Greg notified the board and community of his upcoming retirement approximately 2 years ago.
The Fabric Community began a process of thinking about “What’s Next with Fabric?”
Questions were presented to the community in various formats to address the key questions of:
Who is Fabric?
Who can lead Fabric into the future?
Initial Steps Taken: Transition Teamwork- Exploring the question “Who is Fabric?”
A Sabbatical for Greg for the summer of 2022 was approved in the spring of 2022. This allowed the staff to explore “who Fabric is without Greg”.
A Transition Team was established to explore the questions of “Who is Fabric?” and “Who can lead Fabric into the future?” from the community’s standpoint.
Transition Team held 2 Community Forums on November 5, 2022, and February 13, 2023.
Transition Team conducted surveys and interviews to gather information from community members and staff.
Transition Team provided periodic updates to the community through emails and at Sunday gatherings.
Key Takeaways from the Transition Teamwork:
Creation of a “Ministry Site Profile” – (MSP) – a document outlining Fabric’s mission and used to recruit potential candidates especially within the ELCA Synod as well as with other denominations in partnership with the ELCA. Key values identified in this document included:
Fabric’s focus on forming significant relationships around 3-stranded conversations (God, others, self) that matter.
Finding unity in our diversity as a community, always supporting each other’s spiritual growth.
Valuing relevant conversations, enhanced by small groups and leaving space for uncertainty, wonder and hope.
Engaging children and youth and integrating their learning/growth with the communities at large.
Celebrating spirituality in non-religious music.
Exploring the question of “Who can lead Fabric?”
Search Team established in June 2023 and met one or more times per week over the next 6 months.
Search Team built on the work and information gathered by the Transition Team to develop a Job description for Fabric’s Lead Pastor position and identify the qualities desired in a future leader. Meetings were held with ELCA Synod staff as well as Fabric board and staff prior to advertising the position. These meetings ensured that the team followed protocols required by Fabric’s constitution as well as meeting ELCA guidelines should we choose – or not choose – a candidate ordained by the ELCA.
Candidates were recruited through the ELCA, from Fabric community members and contacts and from online job postings.
The Team identified Key qualities most desired in the next Fabric leader:
Alignment with Fabric’s vision.
Leadership ability and style compatible with Fabric- ie, collaborative.
Experience in message delivery and an engaging presence and casual delivery style.
Ability to be a thought leader and seek teachings from both the bible and other thought leaders and sources.
Candidate Review and Selection Process:
Candidates were evaluated based on criteria from a series of interviews, submitted resumes, background information and video/audio recordings of messages given and podcasts. These were viewed mostly online but, when possible, in person.
Five major stages of review were conducted:
Paper assessment of written answers to questions posed by the team as well as submitted resumes and profiles.
Review of video and audio messages given.
First Round interviews conducted via Zoom and assessed using a Rubric.
Follow-up interviews conducted in person mostly and assessed using a Rubric.
Review of a sample video message developed specifically to be aligned to a Fabric audience.
Decision Process – Team members scored candidates in all of the stages. The key qualities desired in a future leader were weighted most heavily in this assessment. These included:
Cultural Fit with Fabric
Vision/Thought Leadership
Message Creation and Creativity
Growing a community spiritually and expanding its reach
The Search Team reached a unanimous decision in deciding to move Ian McConnell forward to the Board and Community.
The Search Team and Fabric Board are both honored to have been trusted with this task and proud and appreciative of the teams and their work. We are excited about the future of Fabric and thrilled to present Ian McConnell as the person to lead Fabric into our next chapter.
The Fabric Board and Search Team
Announcing Fabric's Candidate! Dates to Meet and Greet AND Vote. (Update - 12/20/2023)
Fabric Community,
We are thrilled to announce that the Fabric Board of Directors has unanimously approved the presentation of Ian McConnell to the Fabric community as the candidate to assume the role of Lead Pastor of Fabric in mid-February after Greg’s retirement. The Search Team, after months of work, reached enthusiastic, wholehearted, and unanimous agreement that Ian is the right person to lead Fabric in its next chapter. Click here to read a greeting from Ian and more about his background.
As laid out in Fabric’s Constitution, the final decision about hiring Ian is made by vote of Fabric regulars. The Board has called a meeting for this vote on Sunday, January 7, 2024, after our gathering at Field. At that gathering, the Search Team and Board will present information about their process and recommendation, followed by a ballot vote.
Prior to the vote, there will be two opportunities for the Fabric community regulars to meet Ian:
Thursday, January 4, 2024, 7-8:30pm in person with Ian and his spouse Rachel in the Fellowship Hall at Southside Commons where Fabric’s office is located (3751 17th Avenue, S, Minneapolis, MN 55407)
Friday, January 5, 2024, 7-8:30pm via Zoom using this link. We will provide the link again as the date gets closer.
Saturday, January 6, 2024 - Look for an email from Fabric if you weren’t able to attend on the 4th or 5th or if you want further information prior to voting
Sunday, January 7, 2024 is the vote to officially call Ian as our pastor after our gathering at Field Community School
These final steps of selecting our new pastor are the culmination of more than a year of gathering and compiling information, reflection, and discernment by our community, the Transition Team, the Search Team, and the Board. We are deeply grateful for the hundreds of hours of volunteer work and profound commitment that has moved us to this point. And we recognize the tender, anxious, and energizing time we are in and will continue to navigate in the weeks and months ahead. We get to do this!
Thank you for your support. Please reach out to us with any questions or comments at or in person.
The Fabric Board of Directors (non-staff members)
George Bergh, Charles Carlson (President), Susan Cunningham, Laureen Harbert (Treasurer), Shane Leverenz, Erin McGillivray (President-Elect), Jesse Pearson, Christina Scalzo
November Search Team Update - 11/9/2023
Greetings, Fabric Community:
In October, we enjoyed meaningful conversations with candidates for the Fabric Pastoral Leader position. Some were one-hour first interviews, and some were two-hour second interviews exploring what a future together might look like. When possible, our second interviews have been in-person.
There have been over 80 applicants thus far, and into mid-November, we will continue to accept applications. We review the received qualifications for every applicant. For those that we decide to pursue, we then request a written response to introductory questions, as well as links to messages they've delivered, which we watch/review prior to determining the next steps with the applicant. When evaluating candidates for an interview, the team looks for evidence of alignment with Fabric's vision, leadership experience, as well as experience in preparing and delivering messages for a church or spiritual community. This screening process, which began in July, has produced thirteen first interviews from qualified candidates. Second interviews began in October and are scheduled throughout November.
The targeted start date for the position, which should be considered tentative, is February 1 and as the Search Team prepares to recommend a candidate, we will work closely with the board following the guidance from the Fabric constitution.
Please, as always, reach out to the search team with questions or comments either directly or at Thank you!
The Fabric Search Team
(Willie Harbert, Kaarin Kratz, Katy Lesiak, Sage Lesiak, Joan Leverenz, Justin Ley, Erin McGillivray, Brian Robran, Jessy Stenross, Eric Sybesma)
October Search Team Update - 10/6/2023
Fabric Community,
The Search Team presented an update during the WUWF (What’s Up With Fabric) zoom gathering on October 2nd. For those of you unable to be with us, below is an update of our progress to date and next steps as presented at the zoom gathering.
The Search Team has continued interviewing and soliciting new candidates throughout the month of September. We continue to meet once or twice a week as a group to discuss strategies, review candidates and conduct interviews. Time outside of these meetings has been spent by several team members to correspond with applicants, review video presentations and develop interview questions and criteria. Candidates have been evaluated and scored using a rubric involving criteria such as leadership, message creation, fit to Fabric’s vision, engagement and experience. The interview as well as written responses and video presentations have been evaluated thus far for all candidates interviewed.
Summary of Candidates Reviewed to Date:
We have had many responses to our online postings and strong interest from ELCA candidates. Out of respect for privacy we cannot share details of individual candidates. Here is a general overview of candidates and how they came to apply for the position.
Applicants have come to us thru 3 different pathways:
The ELCA synod forwarded 5 initial candidates to us who were interested in Fabric. All 5 had first interviews.
Word of Mouth from Fabric Community members resulted in approximately 5 additional applicants, some had ELCA or UCC (United Church of Christ) affiliation which then required ELCA notification; four of these resulted in first interviews.
We’ve had 64 Online applicants through postings on sites such as Indeed and Linked In. We have corresponded with about 1/4 of these applicants. Others did not match criteria enough to pursue. Of the ones we have corresponded with, one resulted in a first interview to date. A few of these candidates are still being reviewed with the possibility of a first interview in the next few weeks.
Applicants have been diverse in terms of race, gender identity, religious affiliation and age and come from both across the United States. All have formal education in theology/divinity and most are ordained in either the ELCA, UCC or other “Full Communion affiliate” -though not all.
We have interviewed a total of 10 Candidates thus far and had some level of correspondence with several others.
At this time, we have invited some candidates for a second interview while still keeping the position open for first round candidates. Second interviews began the first week of October and will continue through October and possibly into November.
Next Step:
We are still accepting applications and will conduct first interviews for applicants we feel meet our criteria throughout the next several weeks.
At the same time second interviews have begun with the strongest candidates. These are expected to reach into November.
This has been a difficult and challenging process. While we want to move quickly we recognize that we have built a unique and diverse community as Fabric and it is more important to find the right person to be the next leader of Fabric than to be bound to a certain timeline. We have been pleased with the quality (and quantity) of applicants who are interested. They are talented, interesting, knowledgeable and come from a wide variety of past experience. The Search Team is very optimistic that the “right” person will be found. At this time, we anticipate a Feb. 1 start date.
Thank you for your support. Please reach out to us with any questions or comments at or in person.
The Search Team:
Willie Harbert, Kaarin Kratz, Katy Lesiak, Sage Lesiak, Joan Leverenz, Justin Ley, Erin McGillivray, Brian Robran, Jessy Stenross, Eric Sybesma
Labor Day Weekend Search Team Update - 08/31/2023
Fabric Community,
We want to thank all of you who have helped share the word about Fabric’s search for a new Pastoral Leader via your social media and personal networks. Please continue to do so using the linked buttons found above.
The Search Team has continued to meet weekly during the month of August to interview potential candidates. Individual time outside of these meetings has been spent by each member reviewing candidate profiles, resumes and listening to podcasts or watching videos of messages.
Here is an update of our progress since early August:
Search Team Tasks Completed:
The job description for Fabric’s Pastoral Leader has been posted to various social media outlets including Facebook, Linked-In and Indeed as well as a couple of other relevant job sites. The team has requested and encouraged the Fabric Community to reach out and post the job description and search to their networks. We have received several leads from these postings and are evaluating them to determine appropriate candidates to bring into the first-round interview process.
We have interviewed 7 individuals thus far coming from both within and outside of the ELCA candidate pool provided to us. Each of the candidate interviews have been scored based on a rubric created by the team reflecting Fabric’s values and needs. The candidates’ submitted paperwork (resumes, cover letters, Ministry Profiles, etc.) as well as the audio/visual content is in the process of being scored on a rubric as well.
We have identified 4 additional candidates that we are inviting to first round interviews over the next 2 weeks.
Next Steps:
Finalize the scoring of submitted paperwork/audio/visual materials for each candidate interviewed.
Continue to post to job sites outside of ELCA and identify appropriate candidates.
Contact specific individuals within the broader Fabric circle to request they use their network to elicit potential candidates who may not know of our search and might be a good fit.
Begin to identify candidates who will move into the second-round interview stage while still keeping the door open for first round interviews to take place over the next few weeks.
Thank you again for your support. Please reach out to us with any questions or comments at or in person.
The Search Team:
Willie Harbert, Kaarin Kratz, Katy Lesiak, Sage Lesiak, Joan Leverenz, Justin Ley, Erin McGillivray, Brian Robran, Jessy Stenross, Eric Sybesma
August Search Team Update and Solicitation for Potential candidates - 08/07/2023
Fabric Community,
As most of you know, the Transition Team handed over the work of searching for a replacement for Greg Meyer in early June to the Search Team. We have been meeting weekly since that time. During the past 6 weeks the team has been identifying and evaluating potential candidates based on the needs and desires of our community as outlined in our Ministry Site Profile (MSP) found HERE. (This profile was put together by the Transition Team based on interviews, surveys and other information gathered from the community and staff).
The Search Team has made great progress and we have a good slate of candidates in the pipeline. However, we need your continued help! We want to ensure that we are reaching as many potential candidates as possible including those who may not be looking for a new role or are not connected to the ELCA network. Please continue to refer interested parties to
Here is an update of our progress since early July:
Search Team Tasks Completed:
We have received several candidate applications via the ELCA. These candidates have completed various applicant steps required by the ELCA as well as providing additional information requested by our team including sample videos of speaking/messages given and written responses to one or more questions posed by our team.
We have also received applicant information from outside of the ELCA. These candidates have provided information to our team including sample videos and written responses as above as well other written material such as cover letters and resumes.
We have reached out to the Fabric community in efforts to broaden our applicant base, beyond the ELCA network.
We began first round interviews the week of July 24th. We have completed 4 first round interviews thus far and will continue first round interviews through the month of August. These candidates have come both from within and outside of the ELCA pool.
Next Steps:
We will continue first round interviews of applicants through the month of August.
We will again solicit the wider community in broadening the search beyond the ELCA and current applicants.
We plan to move into the 2nd round of interviews in early Sept.
Please reach out to us with any questions or comments at or in person.
The Search Team: Willie Harbert, Kaarin Kratz, Katy Lesiak, Sage Lesiak, Joan Leverenz, Justin Ley, Erin McGillivray, Brian Robran, Jessy Stenross, Eric Sybesma
Search Team Update and Solicitation for Potential Leader Candidates — 07/06/2023
Fabric Community,
We want to keep you updated on our current search process. The Search Team, building on the Transition Team efforts, has started looking for the leader who will step in after Greg Meyer’s January 2024 retirement. We are leveraging the feedback received from the community, and this has been captured in our Ministry Site Profile (MSP) found here.
COMPLETED Search Team Activity:
June 4th visit with ELCA Bishop Ann Svennungsen (Watch the YouTube video here). The Bishop met with the community at Field, answered questions, and helped describe the search process as it pertains to the ELCA Synod guidelines.
On June 28th, the Search Team met with Craig Pederson, Fabric’s ELCA search liaison to clarify the assistance we will receive from the ELCA. The ELCA will be a consulting partner in recruitment, screening, and hiring.
Fabric’s search has now been made public on the ELCA website and potential candidates may be nominated by Fabric, by the ELCA, or else self-nominated by contacting the ELCA Minneapolis Synod office.
NEXT Steps for the Search Team:
Solicit community members to identify other potential candidates.
Receive and review potential candidates from the ELCA beginning in early July.
As previously indicated by the Transition Team, candidates will also be sought from sources beyond the ELCA. We need your help in finding those individuals.
Talk about our search with friends/family.
If you know someone whom you believe would be a good fit for Fabric, refer them to Fabric's profile where they can learn about our community and the open position.
Encourage interested individuals to contact the search team directly via email at
Please reach out to us with any questions or comments at or in person.
The Search Team: (Willie Harbert, Kaarin Kratz, Katy Lesiak, Sage Lesiak, Joan Leverenz, Justin Ley, Erin McGillivray, Brian Robran, Jessy Stenross, Eric Sybesma)
Transition Team Update — 05/25/2023
Fabric Community,
In our last update (see below), we shared that we completed the ELCA Ministry Site Profile as a tool to help us find a future leader for Fabric from within the denomination we are part of. In line with that, Ann Svennungsen, the bishop of the Minneapolis Area Synod of the ELCA, will be visiting us Sunday, June 4. Immediately after the gathering (11:30-12:15), she will facilitate a conversation with us so that she can get to know us and what we are looking for in our next leader. Please plan to stay and be part of that conversation!
Knowing the ELCA is just one avenue to find a new leader, the Transition Team has also created a ministry description that we can share widely. We will hand this to the newly formed search team as they begin their work this summer.
Continue to reach out with questions and comments at
The Transition Team
(Mimi Black, Eric Sybesma, Susan Cunningham, Matt Mielke)
P.S. The newly formed Search Team Members are: Eric Sybesma, Willie Harbert, Joan Leverenz, Brian Robran, Kaarin Kratz/Erin McGillivray, Jessy Stenross, Katy Lesiak, Sage Lesiak
Transition Team Update - 04/24/2023
Fabric Community,
The Transition Team has met weekly to create a job description for our next leader. We have been grounded in the question of what people value most about Fabric, and had input from the Nov 5 community meeting, the Feb 13 What’s Next with Fabric event, a community-wide survey, staff interviews, and conversations with the Fabric Board, individuals, and Groups. The value most often mentioned was our deep conversations about relevant topics that matter. Close behind was our community’s willingness to be vulnerable and the space we create for imperfection and doubt. Our children/youth and music ministries were also often mentioned.
We are rooted as a community in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) and Greg has been and continues to be active in the ELCA community. Our team met with an ELCA leader in March and she and others in the ELCA are excited about what Fabric is doing! As one way to help us find potential leaders from within the ELCA we have filled out their Ministry Site Profile. The Transition Team worked on this document for about a month and then brought it to the staff and board for feedback. We have submitted it to the ELCA and a copy can be found HERE.
Candidates will also be sought from sources beyond the ELCA. This profile will help us create a full job description for those potential leaders. Our goal is to have this written and ready to hand off to a newly formed Search Team by June 1.
Please continue to reach out to us with questions or comments at or in person.
The Transition Team
(Mimi Black, Eric Sybesma, Susan Cunningham, Matt Mielke)
Ian reflects a bit on the supposed divide between “sacred” and “secular,” and on Fabric’s 18+ year position straddling the two…