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To Get to the Other Side, Episode 5 (July 26, 2020): The Practice of Imagining How Creativity Can Help Us Heal: In turbulent times, we need art that catalyzes healing and transformation. This helps us envision and embody the world we want to live in.
In this episode, Joe Davis invites every one of us into the healing, everyday practice of imagining and creating. Yes, you too!
Takeaways & Practice
We all inherently possess the ability to imagine and create. It’s just that some of us have had more practice than others.
If we want to learn and develop the skill of imagining and creating, we gotta practice playing. Exercise that muscle! Get our reps in!
Oftentimes we’re more practiced in imagining and creating scenarios we don’t want to exist. We allow our fears, doubts, and insecurities to cloud our minds and eclipse new possibilities. Can you relate somehow?
Some days it’s harder to practice than others, you will recommit to it again and again.
From Joe:
I talk of practice so often because it’s a reminder of the abundance in my life.
Can we practice imagining this way of being together? Can we practice envisioning and embodying the world we long to live in, can we practice, with the faith of a child, who is the purest artist, who teaches us to create without fear or shame, to explore with awe and wonder, new ways of being.
In a world that often feels turbulent and chaotic, where our individual and collective wounds can cause us to inflict more harm or cultivate more healing, I want to practice the art of gentleness the most.
Homework Practice: What about you? What do you want to practice embodying more of in the world?
I am a practitioner of: _____________
Write it out (a doodle, a note on your computer screen or bathroom mirror, an alert in your calendar…). Pay attention to how you are spending your imagination and energy on this each day this week. And then keep going!
A brief preview of our upcoming FabricTV+ series, and announcing the first-ever Fabric Film Festival! Put together a team and make a film together— it doesn’t matter if you’re a pro or haven’t made a short film before… it’s all about creativity, not perfection!