Sabbatical: an extended time for rest, rejuvenation and exploration 

In recognition of Greg Meyer’s labors of love for our community (15 years in fact), Fabric has opted to fund a small-scale sabbatical. This will provide Greg (with partner, Kris!) a time for rest and renewal as well as a chance to investigate what his leadership with Fabric can be like in the future, as well as pursuing connections with Fabric-like leaders and communities for future work.

That’s not all. As Fabric, we are taking our own sabbatical of sorts! We're using this unique stretch of time to explore who we are together and begin thinking about what our community can look like next, including Greg’s eventual retirement. Together we are part of an important vision and movement that is bigger than any one person. We’ll embrace that together with curiosity, care, fun and some big-thinking this summer!

What does it mean to be together as Fabric?

Whether you feel on the fringes, all-in, or somewhere in between - we invite you to engage in the sabbatical conversation in four specific ways:

  • Sunday Gatherings at Field and at Minnehaha Falls: In person, Livestream, Podcast

  • Backyard Bashes: Come to a backyard near you! These smaller gatherings are meant to be fun, foster connections and help us reflect on the value of being together as Fabric.

  • Field Trips: Head out with other Fabric folks to be inspired by people and places pointing to some of the same things Fabric is about.

  • Personally: Reflect on and practice “together” wherever you are!

Key Dates (all Sundays and events can also be viewed HERE):

May 29 - June 19: Join us for Togethering 10:30 Sundays @ Field School. 

**June 12 is Greg’s last Sunday until October. Join us for our mutual sending gathering plus food & fun after! (Greg specifically requested the bouncy house…)**

June 26: Backyard Bash Sunday at a variety of back yards. Join a gathering that works for you. 

July 3 - July 31: Fabric at the Falls. 10:30 Sundays @ Minnehaha Falls Bandstand

August 7 & 14: Field Trip Weekend (more to come!)

August 21 - Sept 4: Being Fabric: Fresh, Organic, Local. 10:30 Sundays @ Minnehaha Falls Bandstand