How can I give to the March Giving Challenge?
/We’re glad you asked! There are several ways to provide a contribution to this campaign:
Cash or checks made out to Fabric Minneapolis at our gatherings each Sunday.
Set up a contribution through your bank. Often a free service from banks, this can be done for one-time gifts such as for the Challenge, or for ongoing monthly giving. You will need our address and phone number to set up Bill Pay through your bank’s website: Fabric Minneapolis, 3751 17th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55407, 612-822-0300.
Transfer Stock: Giving stock carries a double advantage- it could count as both a charitable donation and can also avoid capital gains taxes on growth in the stock. Learn more and find the Stock Transfer Form here.
Other online giving options are also available:
Give one-time challenge donations online through Square. Fabric has set up a page to accept online donations through the Square platform (found here). We will also accept Square donations at Sunday gatherings in March. Square collects a 2.75% processing fee from each donation.
Donate online through GiveMN. You may remember this platform from other donations or past challenge campaigns. GiveMN collects a 6.9% processing fee from each donation, so to maximize your contribution you may wish to explore other options first.
Click here to return to the March Giving Challenge home page.
A brief preview of our upcoming FabricTV+ series, and announcing the first-ever Fabric Film Festival! Put together a team and make a film together— it doesn’t matter if you’re a pro or haven’t made a short film before… it’s all about creativity, not perfection!