The Fray High Schoolers are 9th through 12th graders…
They’re exploring who they are and how they fit into our world. The Fray offers space for youth to show up just as they are to explore and question big ideas together and wonder about what it means to be deeply woven. The Fray also creates a central space for youth to explore being woven through leadership, support, and community activity. And we manage to squeeze in time for fun, laughs, and friendship, too!
3rd Wednesday Group
The 3rd Wednesday of every month from 8:15-9:30pm is a time to catch up, check in, and be community! We’ll be bouncing around location- so keeping an eye out for emails and texts is key!
5th Sunday Set Up
Every now and then a month gets an extra Sunday tacked on to the end- and the high schoolers take over! The Fray high schoolers and Della take over all things set-up: hanging curtains, planting flags, organizing and reorganizing all that it takes to make Fabric happen! And, there’s time to connect and hangout over bagels, too!
Other Sundays @ 10:30 The Fray high school youth are invited to explore their place in the Fabric community through playing in the band, helping with kids programming, becoming a tech wizard, hosting the cafe, or any number of other wonderful ways!
Email with questions and/or to get involved!
Some Deeper wisdom about doing your job from Mayyadda and Katy Schalla Lesiak’s OpEd this week. “…If those questions raise your own version of imposter syndrome or worry that you are wasting your time or not doing enough – you might be doing something right!”