Where There is Hope - Undoubtedly, there has never been an era in which hope wasn’t needed and threatened. But today our ability to hope is stretched in a way that is unbearable to many. Are you ready to give up? Is hope pie in the sky thinking? Does realism tell you that hope is naive and it is time to move on and get serious? Or, as elusive as it may be, is hope more important now than ever. Hope, it is too important to not spend time on together.
May 22 - Stories of Hope - You are not the first person to be ready to give up, nor to accomplish what was thought impossible. Neither shall you be the last. We all live with the fear and wonder of hope. Something that makes hope grow within us is hearing each other's experiences with hope. I need to hear yours, and I need to share mine. That is what we will do this week - share our stories of hope.
A brief preview of our upcoming FabricTV+ series, and announcing the first-ever Fabric Film Festival! Put together a team and make a film together— it doesn’t matter if you’re a pro or haven’t made a short film before… it’s all about creativity, not perfection!