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Episode 2 (June 14, 2020) Hear Now: Momentum The killing of George Floyd has ignited a broad recognition of the racism embedded in our American systems and culture. The resulting momentum for change is palpable. But it will take all of us to keep that momentum going long enough for the lasting, real change to begin to take hold. In this episode Greg Meyer shares various voices to explore our roles individually and together to keep the momentum going for the change that is needed.
Key takeaways
This time it (the power of white supremacy & racism) can be different. Not because of anything that has happened, but because of what you will do, what I will do, what everyone will do… this time.
Change is nothing new, our generation has seen more technological change than our younger selves could have imagined, but social change has somehow been too difficult to do. Why is that?
George Floyd's death created the momentum to start the wheel of change turning, whether it will continue turning or not this time depends on each of us keeping our hands at the wheel in whatever ways we can with our actions, our voices, our gifts, our opportunities, our influence.
Consider this possibility: Facing the racism within and around you may be harder than you imagine, but not as hard as you fear.
There are two wheels of change.
The one inside you (your own relationship to racism)
The one outside you (the systems, rules, behaviors that institutionalize racism)
James spoke to the facing of difficult times to the persecuted people he was responsible for in the 1st century in a way that gives us perspective today.
My sisters and brothers, whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy because you know that this testing of what you trust produces endurance. Let endurance complete its work so that you may be mature and whole, missing nothing. James 1.2-4
Your hand is needed at the wheel of change to keep the momentum. Don’t quit. Don’t sit down or go to the sidelines. Don’t leave it to the experts, the pros, the people really upset with this all. They aren’t enough. We are enough. Stay at it, let endurance complete its work.
There are two kinds of change:
Change that you are part of making happen
Change that you are NOT part of making happen.
Which is easiest to accept? Be part of the change!
Homework practice: Remember that what can make THIS TIME be the end of racism is everyone keeping their hand at the wheel of change to preserve the momentum we have now. Using the rhythm of Pause / Act / Learn / Repeat from Episode 1 with Melissa Lock last week, What is one way you will keep your hand at the wheel of change inside you, and one way at the wheel of change outside you? Share your questions, learning, experiences with someone.
Opening Voice: Community voices on the aftermath of Floyd's killing (MPR Interview of Tomme Beevas is the co-owner of Pimento Kitchen)
Helpful resources: Wesley Lowery’s article, “Why Minneapolis Was the Breaking Point,” June 10, 2020, The Atlantic; Episode 1: What Do You Hear Now? (Rhythm)
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Ian reflects a bit on the supposed divide between “sacred” and “secular,” and on Fabric’s 18+ year position straddling the two…