Discussion Guides
/Hearing Voices Discussion Guide (10/20-11/24/19
Learning the F Word (Forgiveness): The F’n Discussion Guide (9/8-10/15/19)
Summer 2019 Summer Discussion Guide
6/2/19 FutureScapes 6: Choosing Inconvenience
5/26/19 FutureScapes 5: Hearing Voices
5/19/2019 FutureScapes 4: Systems Thinking
5/12/2019 FutureScapes 3: Educating Girls
5/5/2019 FutureScapes 2: Mistakes
4/28/2019 FutureScapes 1: Digital Photography
4/21/2019 Easter and The Power of Yet
4/14/19 Living Room: Soul Space
4/7/19 Living Room: Creating a Spacious Place
3/31/19 Living Room: Safe Space - Part 2
3/24/19 Living Room: Safe Space 1
3/17/19 Living Room: Always On
3/10/2019 Welcome to Your Living Room
3/3/2019 Stories with Terry Esau - Wondering About Jesus
2/24/2019 Small “t” Truth 3: Alive - The Cost of Small ‘t’ Truth
2/17/2019 Small “t” Truth 2: Experience - Glimpsing What You’ll Never Have
2/10/19 Small “t” Truth 1: Petrified-The Big “T” Truth Effect
2/3/19 4 Big Decisions #4: How Will I Establish My Career? Part 2
1/27/19 4 Big Decisions #4: How Will I Establish My Career? Part 1 ( A Story, podcast and a poem)
1/20/19 4 Big Decisions #3: How Do I Deal With Other People?
1/13/19 4 Big Decisions #2: What Do I Do With My Money?
1/6/19 4 Big Decisions #1 Do I Have to Make Choices?
12/9/18 Do You Hear What I Hear? Perspective
12/2/18 Do You Hear What I Hear? Perfectly Imperfect
11/25/2018 Do You Hear What I Hear? Took the Risk…
11/18/2018 Used! And Complicated
11/11/2018 Used! And Irreplacable
11/4/2018 Used! Not Used Up.
10/28/2018 Speaking From Experience: Not This, But That
10/21/2018 Speaking From Experience: The Miracle Happening
10/14/2018 Speaking from Experience: The One Thing
9/30/2018 The Long Haul: Investing
9/23/2018 The Long Haul: Selective
Some Deeper wisdom about doing your job from Mayyadda and Katy Schalla Lesiak’s OpEd this week. “…If those questions raise your own version of imposter syndrome or worry that you are wasting your time or not doing enough – you might be doing something right!”