

It is one of those words that drives us crazy because the quest for it never ends and the harder we chase it the emptier we feel. So what is enough? Is it what you already have, or something you can never have? The question of enough creeps into every nook and cranny of your life; your money and your stuff, your expectations and ambitions, even yourself. Join us as we look at what enough thinking does to us, and what it can do for us.

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What's Worth Living For Doesn't Go Away

What's Worth Living For Doesn't Go Away

Easter… is it happening? Everything else is cancelled as we Stay at Home. We will have to wait for the brunches and egg hunts. Fabric won't host a physical gathering like we love to do. But like crocus poking up through the snow, life worth living is not waiting. We’ll do some pretty great not-together celebrating on April 12 and you’ll want to be there as we get not-together!

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