super | natural - Digging in the Dirt of the Divine
/Could it be that the closer we look at ourselves, each other and the world the more we begin to recognize “God?” Could it be that the “supernatural” is actually so integral to what we are a part of that it is super… natural? Perhaps even as natural as our very breath? We’ll seek to create a space to contemplate meaning, spirituality, and God without needing to rely on magical tropes.
June 30 | Supernatural, or Super Natural? - Is God supernatural, or as close and natural as our own breath? In a time where many claims about God are being made to bolster many agendas, it seems like a good time to affirm the diversity of thought around what is often named “God.”
July 7 | Drawing Outside the Lines - Does God “belong” to the institution of religion? Are “God” and “Church” the same thing with different shapes? Let’s find ways to enter into this conversation in fresh ways. LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE
July 14 | Super Natural Humility - There are some pretty unhelpful self-understandings we get caught up in. Supernatural concepts of God don’t help! “Life with God” or “spirituality” become achievements to attain instead of ways of being that make sense, are integral and whole. Humility is not insecurity, submissiveness, niceness or weakness. It’s a strong and grounded self-understanding that grows over a lifetime with practice, perspective and people. Let’s chew on some delicious humble pie together this week! LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE
July 21 @ 10:00AM | Minnehaha Falls Art Fair (Open Mic) - Calling all performance artists! With live performance having such a power to bring us together, Fabric is hosting an open mic as part of the Minnehaha Falls Art Fair on July 21 (10-11AM). Sign up to share a family friendly song or a poem or two! Click HERE to sign up! GROUP GUIDE
July 28 | The Inside Out of Befriending Doubt - Have doubts? Join the club! What would it be like to view doubt less as an obstacle in conversations around God and faith, but rather as a friend and companion? Let’s spend a bit of time wondering what it would be like to become friends with doubt! LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE
August 4 | Giving Shape to the Mystery - AC/DC’s road manager Barry Taylor once reportedly said, “God is the name of the blanket we throw over mystery to give it shape.” There are countless ways to understand or perceive the divine; let’s affirm and wonder together at this diversity! LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE
August 11 | Goose Chase! (not at the Minnehaha Falls Bandstand) - Are you ready for the Fabric MPLS Goose Chase 2024? Goose Chase is a scavenger hunt that you play with others as you waddle, oops race, to complete different tasks and missions across the city using an app on your mobile device (read more HERE)!
August 18 | The Kind of Church I Can Work With - “Church” is not an easy word for many. What stirs in you when you think of that word? Fabric has a long-standing tradition and value of experimenting with what “church” can be for people, gathered together and digging in the dirt of the divine. Ellis joins us today as our artist in residence. PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE
August 25 | We Are More Than Machines - What if there’s more than production? We react to any suggestion that we ourselves are commodities or tools of unfettered capitalistic growth. And yet, statistics show that people are increasingly seeing themselves as not even spiritual, but merely… existing. Let’s become captivated by the mystery around us once again! Ellis joins us today as our artist in residence. YOUTUBE | PODCAST | GROUP GUIDE
September 1 | “Start Where You Are” - “Loving can break your heart, but fear will do you in.” Ooh, this lyric from Ellis Delaney is just wonderful. Let’s take a moment this week to enjoy our last Sunday at Minnehaha Falls with music from Ellis, a brief message, and maybe even some “Pie for Breakfast”! Ellis joins us today as our artist in residence. YOUTUBE | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE
Some Deeper wisdom about doing your job from Mayyadda and Katy Schalla Lesiak’s OpEd this week. “…If those questions raise your own version of imposter syndrome or worry that you are wasting your time or not doing enough – you might be doing something right!”