New Guy
/Who’s that guy? It’s Ian! Still not enough? Well, we’re all just starting to get to know Ian McConnell and his family. “What would possess a seemingly rational human to hop into the driver’s seat of this bus?” you ask. Maybe for a similar reason you’d choose to be part of the Fabric experiment! Come find out (or be reminded) why Fabric matters so much with the “New Guy!”
February 18 | First Days: “First days” are a rare thing indeed! We will welcome Ian McConnell and family to the Fabric community for their first Sunday with us and hear from Ian about who he is, about his default posture in his work as a pastor and leader, and a little bit about what excites Ian about Fabric in this new era of life woven deeply. Whether you’ve been in this for the long haul or are just beginning to tug at threads of curiosity about Fabric, this will be a great “first day” to come together and connect. LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE
February 25 | Probing Curiosity: Curiosity about newbies is only natural! As Fabric, we attempt to brave uncertainty by asking better questions. We'll spend some time talking about curiosity as a default posture toward new people and experiences, and have an opportunity to pose questions to Ian in an open Q&R (question and response) session as we get to know each other better, and as we reiterate our commitment to embracing the messiness of real life. Come with your questions, and hopefully we'll all leave with more, even better ones! LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE
March 3 | Connecting Our Stories: Everyone does better when we get beyond knowing about each other, and actually get to know each other. Today, adults and kids alike, will play a game together that helps us do just that. Ian McConnell will kick us off with a story of his own as we continue to get to know the New Guy. We also officially mark our new beginning with Ian and share a mutual “let’s do this!” Whether you are kicking the tires or have been around Fabric a while, it’s an exciting new chance for all of us to recommit to deeper connections. LIVESTREAM | SCRAPS PODCAST | GROUP GUIDE
Some Deeper wisdom about doing your job from Mayyadda and Katy Schalla Lesiak’s OpEd this week. “…If those questions raise your own version of imposter syndrome or worry that you are wasting your time or not doing enough – you might be doing something right!”