Who Gives a Fig

The Christmas season should be focused on hope, peace, joy, and love, right? But woof… this season is often marked by a whole lot more, and often much less savory realities. We’re inspired by Oliver Wendell Holmes’ words on “simplicity on the other side of complexity.” How might we recognize those traditionally “Christmassy” concepts at play in our lives when we also give ourselves space to acknowledge the fear, conflict, sorrow, or hurt that can accompany this season? We’ll pause, reflect, and imagine as we discover together what’s worth giving a fig (or more!) for…

Who Gives a Fig? begins on December 1 and goes through Christmas Eve (excluding December 15 for our highly-anticipated “Alice in Christmasland” production by our talented young people!

December 1 | …For Hope Without Fear. “Hope” is traditionally associated with Advent, the season leading up to Christmas. But what does hope mean for us in a season and era that has primed us to feel somewhat cynical? When fear is given space to be recognized in this season, we wonder what depth of hope might be realized… LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE

December 8 | …For Peace Without Conflict. Peace… in a time like this? But conflict is everywhere. How can we possibly embrace peace in the presence of conflict? This week, we will dream toward a peace that is far more than phony. LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE

December 15 | Alice in Christmasland. You are invited to get “In the Spirit” with Fabric Kid’s annual Christmas musical – Alice in Christmasland! This production brings to life the familiar tale with humor, heart, and toe-tapping music for audiences of all ages. Join all 5 Alices as they tumble down the rabbit hole, meeting our favorite Wonderland characters, as they help connect us to what we most want this Christmas season. You are sure to be delighted, so make plans and invite your friends! LIVESTREAM | PLAYBILL | PHOTOS

December 22 | …For Joy Without Sorrow. “Joy to the world?!” How might our experiences of sorrow help inform our understanding of joy? What is the depth of joy beyond spiritual bypassing? Glad tidings of joy… but also metabolized sorrow and grief! LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE

Joe Davis joins us on December 22! Joe Davis is an award-winning spoken word artist and bestselling author who uses poetry to power possibility. Read more about Joe Davis HERE.

December 24 (Christmas Eve) | …For Love Without Hurt. Christmas gives us the beautiful opportunity to remember that divine love takes on flesh and looks us in the eye. What might it mean that love is born, when so many are actively experiencing hurt? More HERE. LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE