The Game of Life

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If you are reading this you are a player in the Game of Life. The assumptions you hold (knowingly or not) about what kind of game life is and how to play affect how you show up and experience it everyday. Starting August 1 we’ll have some fun, kids and adults together, exploring some of the common games we play as humans that keep us from playing in the big, real, challenging, amazing Game of Life. Here’s what we talked about each week…

Playing the Game: Reals and Ideals (podcast, aired Aug 2) - Inspired by our kids and summer camp we’ll explore and play around (adults and kids together!) in that creative space where our reality checks and our deepest ideals both play. Sunday Paper Outline

Taking the Lead (podcast, aired Aug 8) - Games, charades, checkers and chess may be all about winning, but The Game of Life... not so much. It is time to talk about winning, what being in the lead really means, and how and why we would do it. Sunday Paper Outline

What’s the Right Move? (podcast, aired Aug 18) - This week we will dig in together around how this plays out in real life and your daily choices about what to do and how to show up. Sunday Paper Outline

Play is No Trivial Pursuit (podcast, aired 8/22) - If play is important, essential, and a significant part of the Game of Life, why is it so hard and why does it feel like we don’t have the time and energy for it? Sunday Paper Outline

The Hardest Part of the Game (podcast, aired 8/29) The biggest challenge of the game is addressing the hardest part of it; what do you do when you screw up? Sunday Paper Outline