Living Room

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Do you have it? Not the room with the couch you’ve spent more time on than ever in these pandemic months, but the room you need to live, to breathe, to be. It’s hard to feel human or treat others that way when you are squeezed from the inside and the outside. That living room evaporates with demands, judgements, expectations and rules. One way of understanding Jesus is that he came to do just this; restore our living room. Time for a rehab of yours? Join Fabric as we take three weeks to rediscover some living room wisdom together!

Always On (aired 3/12), Face it. We basically always have access to ideas, products, videos, people...and everyone has access to you! There’s a sense that we’re always on. We need Living Room.

Making Room (aired 3/18). A basic message of the Bible is about being welcomed and welcoming others into shalom, well-being, peace, by making room. It’s a vision for us to live into.

Soul Space (aired 3/26). What if what God is up to is “soul space”-- living room for that inextinguishable light within each of us? This week before Easter can be a sobering time rich for reflection and discovery. Let’s do that together.

Listen to the original six-week series of Living Room conversations from March-April 2019 HERE! Original message outlines HERE.