Hear Now

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Fabric is turning to hear. First to hear and keep center the voice of George Floyd saying, “I can’t breathe,” and giving terrible voice yet again to the experience of being black in the United States. We turn to hear, again the voice both deep inside and beyond us that calls us to do justice, love kindness, and limp humbly with our God. We turn to hear, again our own imperfect wrestling with our role as an antiracist community and as individuals.

Sunday, June 7… Episode 1: What do you hear now? Melissa Lock shares various voices to help us explore our individual and communal response right now. Full episode page here.

Sunday, June 14… Episode 2: Momentum Greg Meyer shares various voices to explore our communal and individual roles in keeping the momentum going for the change that is needed. Full episode page here.

Sunday, June 21… Episode 3 - Hear Now: Change - Melissa Lock and Fabric friend and change expert, Nick Tasler, talked openly about this huge inflection point as two learning white people not feeling particularly expert at all and showing up anyway. Melissa shares some takeaways for her own and Fabric’s communal journey. Full episode page here.