Fabric gathers at Field School on Sundays at 10:30am. Join us in person…or connect with our Livestream and our Podcast.
CareIQ | October 20-November 24
CareIQ is all about building awareness and skill when it comes to giving and receiving care in community. We have named some tools for your CareIQ toolbox that we think everyone needs to deal with the “out-of-the-ordinary” care situations of life, especially during this tense election season of 2024. You’ll likely find them really helpful in everyday relationships too!
Join in! Find other humans ready to boost their Care IQ 10:30 Sunday mornings at Field School in Minneapolis. Get your very own Care IQ Zine to support your learning. Connect with a Group for mutual learning and support (here's a guide for that!). Not local? Connect via Livestream and podcast. And email us to get your Zine!
October 20 | Creating a CareIQ Culture - Providing care isn’t a sign of strength. Receiving care isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s all just a part of being human! We’re kicking off another round of CareIQ with an eye toward a tense election year. And, hey, we’ll also have a potluck communion! LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE
October 27 | Know Yourself - Developing a deeper awareness of ourselves– both our skills and the boundaries we need to maintain in order to keep ourselves healthy– is no easy task, but it certainly makes us more effective in our ability to give and receive care. LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE
November 3 | I am Only One… Life can be overwhelming. Paralyzed by fear and doubt, we can find ourselves feeling stuck and alone. Despite these feelings, there are practices we can implement and relationships we can lean into to take even the smallest steps towards health and healing. This week we take a breather to remind ourselves that we are both not alone in this struggle and are deeply needed to move forward. LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE
November 10 | Response-Ability - On the Sunday after the election, we’re going to spend some time thinking about response-ability through the lens of Care IQ. What is our responsibility to our neighbors and community at large, particularly with such close proximity to fear and division? LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE
November 17 | CareIQ & Trauma - Culturally, we’re growing in an awareness of the experience of trauma, and that it has a very real impact on people’s lives. What is trauma, and how might an awareness of how it functions help us become even more present as caregivers? Jen Markworth joins us as our guest speaker. LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE
Jen Markworth, MA LP serves as CornerHouse’s Mental Health Services Director. She has over 20 years of experience and expertise providing an array of leadership and therapy services in various mental health settings. Learn more about CornerHouse and Jen Markworth HERE.
November 24 | CareIQ Journeyman - Okay, okay… we’re having a little fun with the title this week. But as a church community that takes the “how” of loving and caring seriously, we want to take a moment to affirm the ways all of our skill in care can have a massive impact on the common good. Take these tools along with you and put them into practice! LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE
Previous CareIQ Content…
CareIQ is a toolbox of insights and understandings everyone needs to deal with the tough situations of life where words of encouragement or advice don’t work. We are continuing our CareIQ equipping with a special eye towards mental health: What is mental health exactly? How do you care for your own? What can you, should you do for those around you dealing with mental health issues? If you’ve got the answers, stay home. If this is as challenging for you as it is for the rest of us, come on by!
Care IQ podcast episodes.
Some Deeper wisdom about doing your job from Mayyadda and Katy Schalla Lesiak’s OpEd this week. “…If those questions raise your own version of imposter syndrome or worry that you are wasting your time or not doing enough – you might be doing something right!”