We aren’t a very good church because…
We value questions more than answers.
We don’t want to make you be like us, we want you to expand us.
We are less interested in what you believe, and more interested in how you are growing.
We don’t have a building of our own, that’s because we are a people, not a place.
We celebrate that doubts are meant to be explored, and think that certainty turns into dead ends.
We are all hypocrites, but we admit it and are trying to be less so.
We’re not always quite sure how this God thing works or how Jesus fits into it all but feel compelled to explore it and the many other ways and places the divine shows up.
But then maybe those are the sort of things that make us the kind of church you would be interested in.
Come check us out some Sunday morning. During the school year, we meet at 10:30am at Field Elementary School (46th St & 4th Ave S), and spend much of the summer at the Minnehaha Falls Bandstand at 10:30am. You can find livestreams from our past gatherings on YouTube, podcasts of messages HERE, and can follow us on Facebook @FabricMPLS to learn more.
Oh, also! This totally isn’t only for adults! We take kids seriously and are invested in helping them grow in age-appropriate ways. Learn more HERE.
Some Deeper wisdom about doing your job from Mayyadda and Katy Schalla Lesiak’s OpEd this week. “…If those questions raise your own version of imposter syndrome or worry that you are wasting your time or not doing enough – you might be doing something right!”