KIDS & ADULTS - On Sunday, December 19, half of you will start in workshops, while the other half will be in the Commons. To get people separated into the workshops and Commons a bit more quickly - come ready with your workshop choice so that you get the one you are most interested in! The Nest is available too. And, check out what is happening with Zorna!
Workshop #1 - Creative Collaging: Using the creative direction of Bayou Bay, we will be creating a mural sized collage around the day's theme. The murals will be displayed at our Christmas Eve gatherings. Join us in the gym. Everyone welcome!
Workshop #2 - Move & Play: A snowball fight with a big prize for the winners and a time for you to create something special to remind you that you are loved…because you are loved…because you are loved.
Workshop #3 - Nature & Writing: You should really stop shoulding on yourself. With the help of some irony, Jeanette Mayo’s nature images and moving our pens on paper we’ll soak in some of the just becauseness of Love - together!
The Nest: Because I Love You is for everyone! If you have a little one (6mo-3yrs), come to the Nest in the Media Center. The Common’s will be livestreamed and there will be ways to engage with your child and get ready for Christmas!
Other happenings:
Zorna and the Whirlwinds: For such a time as this…The oh-so-ready for primetime players (AKA the Fabric Kids and Youth) will be rehearsing and filming the story of Zorna and the Whirlwinds, a special treat to be shared on Christmas Eve (and the 23rd!) Players should check their filming schedule to see who is up for filming this week.
A brief preview of our upcoming FabricTV+ series, and announcing the first-ever Fabric Film Festival! Put together a team and make a film together— it doesn’t matter if you’re a pro or haven’t made a short film before… it’s all about creativity, not perfection!