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Our Place - Episode 1: Finite & One. For generations western expansion seemed limitless, oceans infinite, clean water a given. Bugs, critters, and natural phenomena were curiosities. Today it has become apparent that the world is finite and we aren’t just looking at the world, we are one with it. That has enormous repercussions for our species that is consuming the planet we depend on. What do you, the one person you are, do with that?
Episode 1: Finite & One
When hope can see the future it is called vision.
“Something you and I both need right now is vision. A vision of a world that is not only sustainable environmentally but thriving. It is not news that there are multiple serious environmental crises right now, what is news is that there is a vision of the world we hope for and a pathway towards it.”
These 2 parables are Jesus’ vision for a world that reflects the ‘kingdom of heaven’ which means ‘a world that is not divided from it’s true self, others and God.’
“The kingdom of heaven,” Jesus said referring not to some other-worldly location but a fully woven version of this world, “the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”
“Again,” Jesus goes on, “the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls: on finding one pearl of unsurpassed beauty, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.” Matthew 13.44-45
Jesus also offered a vision of how something can happen that we feel we can’t.
“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.” Matthew 13.31-32
“The environmental challenges we face today is an uphill battle that we dare not lose and need not lose. What we seek is not only invaluable and essential, it is possible.”
Our Place, meaning this place, this planet that we live on. Earth.
And Our Place within this place. Our role in the ecosystems of our planet.
1) Our Place is Finite
Something to consider: Greg Meyer shared how we human beings have treated, and still often do treat our planet as if it were unlimited and inexhaustible. How do you see the world and our relationship with it as human beings?
The limitedness of our planet, its finitude, does not have to mean scarcity. After all, it evolved from mere rock to the ever increasing abundance of today. Can we be part of the multiplication of life on our planet rather than continually subtracting from it?
Please watch David Attenborough’s 2020 film, “A Life on Our Planet.” It is about 80 minutes long. It is the “witness statement and vision for the future” of this 93 year old documentarian of our planet. It is free on Netflix. Here’s the trailer. LINK
2) Our Place is One
Something to consider: Greg Meyer also shared how all the world’s components are inextricably connected, yet modern western civilization tends to see itself alongside nature, objectivizing it, distancing itself and its actions from the interconnectedness of nature. How does your language and your attitudes play into that, or fight against it?
There are 2 messages best heard and held in a 3-Stranded community like Fabric.
The First is about realizing who we are:
We are PART OF, not APART FROM the rest of the world.
It is convenient to stand apart from the rest of creation because it allows us to think we can use parts of nature and not share in the repercussions of those actions. But that is an illusion. We are all connected.
Being ‘apart from’ the rest of the world is alienation, not only from other things, but ultimately from ourselves and God.
Something to Consider: If sin isn’t an act like doing something wrong, but the result of such actions - the separation and brokenness of our actions - how might the Bible's language about sin make sense in this conversation?
The Second is about how we move from Apart From to Part Of:
When Awareness happens (hearing dire scenarios, realizing how big our environmental issues are) it is easy to jump straight to Action, but that pathway is often not healthy or sustainable. Instead keep Appreciation (of the world, of the microscopic and cosmic wonders) between them. This step helps us better understand the world we want to reform our relationship with so that we make smart choices and are motivated positively to make changes. Our appreciation, passion and enjoyment of the world also naturally connects with other people for more learning and support.
Appreciation is more than knowledge or awareness. Appreciation is Relationship.
Something to Consider: Do you experience guilt and fear when you hear about the environmental crises we are in? How do they affect you? How do they make you feel? Are they helpful? (Try the homework practice below to help you move past your guilt and fear if you have them.)
Some Homework for this week: Whether you feel paralyzed over the future of our planet or are a diehard environmental activist, strengthen your hope and vision by remembering your stories of awe and wonder from experiencing the world. Recall the moments and how they made you feel. Share your story with someone else and ask them theirs.
More Resources…
Group Discussion Guide: Click HERE.
A brief preview of our upcoming FabricTV+ series, and announcing the first-ever Fabric Film Festival! Put together a team and make a film together— it doesn’t matter if you’re a pro or haven’t made a short film before… it’s all about creativity, not perfection!