Fabric Kids Go Deeper!  Are you ready to hit the concert scene?  March 2025, Fabric is hosting an artist series called Deeper inviting four amazing artists to share their music and create space for us to explore spirituality, big ideas, and the possibilities of navigating this life, fully human! Kids are invited too!  Creation Stations for each age group will be scattered throughout the Commons and will be primed to help kids connect with each other and with the music.  Of course, because it’s Fabric…watch for moments of whimsy and fun for everyone!

Coming Up…

Holding on for a Hero! (April 6 & 13)

Everyone can get behind cheering for the Easter Bunny, and who doesn’t love a Peep or jellybeans? But, when we think about what was happening 2000 years ago around the story of Easter it gets a bit confusing. Jesus seemed to have it coming for him on all sides!  Let’s dig into the story of Easter with eyes that are willing to go a bit deeper so that we can find the hope that helps us see that…We have it coming!

April 6 | “Don’t Pop the Peep!” Join us for a morning of fun with Peeps and exploring the story called Palm Sunday.  If we were to take a closer look, I think we would see a wide range of feelings and ideas happening.  I wonder…if we might shift what our ideas of Holding on for a Hero might be?

April 13 | “Great Galloping Grapes!” What comes to mind when you think of the word Communion? A bibley thing that happened long ago? Snack time? Not sure? Join us for a morning of exploring the story we call The Last Supper; a meal Jesus was sharing with his closest friends.  Jesus seemed to be trying to get his friends to remember what would be most important after he wasn’t with them anymore. He was showing his friends that love is more than words. Love is an action that we all share with each other and that it wasn’t only up to him.  I wonder…are we the Hero we are holding on for?

And, after Easter…

Level Up! Unlocking the Leader in YOU! (April 27 - June 1)

Mario and Luigi are ready to invite you into their world of Fan-tas-tic Fettuccini, racing karts and to LEVEL UP: Unlocking the Leaders in YOU!  Leaping Lasagna! Each week Mario and Luigi will Power Up the game and help us grow as leaders, leading with our whole LIFE – our LOVE for each other, our INTEGRITY to make choices that lift up everyone, our FAITH and trust that each of us can bring our own unique strengths, and our ENTHUSIASM to bring everyone along to share God’s big vision of love! So…Woo Hoo! Here we go! Are you ready to lead with your LIFE and GROW? 

Level Up at a glance!

Kids arrive at Field and check in at the STARTING GATE.  Make sure and get your name tag and team band!  Sit with your family in the Commons and sing and dance along with the music! Listen for the Mario game theme song and then you’ll know it is time to head back to Mario Stadium!

Everyone finds their Team Bench to PLUG IN to the Multi-player experience! Connect with your crew leader, share your leadership stories, and get ready for the game!

Next, it is time to POWER UP!  Mario and Luigi will get us started!  Mama Mia we have some fun for you!  Singing, game challenges, a story to jump start our leadership, and a way for you to practice getting in the game of leading! Nailed it!

Then kids will PRESS PLAY and head to the Mario Circuits!  Teams will rotate each week getting to try each of the different circuits!

  • Moo Moo Meadows! Creating a taste of what it can be like to be a leader!

  • At Bowser’s Castle kids will experiment with ways that leaders can create movement towards change!

  • Rainbow Road will help us discover how creativity plays a part in being a great leader. 

  • At Wario’s Stadium kids will battle through challenges and obstacles to discover how perseverance is a big part of leadership.

  • At Yoshi Falls kids will get a chance to jump – spin – and fireball through the course to review all we have learned as we Lead with our LIFE!

Last, kids will POWER DOWN and see leadership in action with real life kids!  Each week kids will punch down the question box to receive a specific leadership challenge for the week before heading back to the Commons to link up with their parents!

Woo Hoo Mario and Luigi can’t wait to see you at Level UP!