Where There is Hope - Undoubtedly, there has never been an era in which hope wasn’t needed and threatened. But today our ability to hope is stretched in a way that is unbearable to many. Are you ready to give up? Is hope pie in the sky thinking? Does realism tell you that hope is naive and it is time to move on and get serious? Or, as elusive as it may be, is hope more important now than ever. Hope, it is too important to not spend time on together.
May 1 - Hope Exists Where You Have It - Waiting for hope? Actually, hope is waiting for you. Hope is only needed when something is wrong, broken, missing. Someone needs to claim that it can be right, mended, found. Maybe you. Will you? There is all the reason in the world why it won’t happen, but hasn’t that been the case a million times before? Perhaps the only thing missing between what is and what could be is you -- you driving your stake of hope in the ground.
Ian reflects a bit on the supposed divide between “sacred” and “secular,” and on Fabric’s 18+ year position straddling the two…