Fabric Field Trips!
There is so much to take in and learn all around us! Organizations, people, and places that are pointing to some of the same things that Fabric is trying to be about. As part of the Fabric community sabbatical, we’re going to take a pause on August 7 and 14 from regular Sunday gatherings and get out and do some of that learning together! There are opportunities to take field trips together in groups (or on your own) starting in early August. Who else could join you? Don’t forget to put on your curiosity and wonder hats and record and share your reflections! Hey - and all Field Trip participants will receive a Fabric swag bag!
Field Trip offerings (details are laid out within the Sign-Up Form)…
Sacred Site Tour (adults only)
Somali History Museum (all ages)
St Paul Brewery tour (all ages)
Square Dancing at the Eagles Club (adults only)
Spirit Garage worship (all ages)
Recovery Church worship (all ages)
Nia Dance (12 and up)
Silverwood Sculpture Park (all ages)
Yoga (12 and up)
Soloman’s Porch worship (all ages)
Composting Site tour (12 and up)
Biking Tour with Steve (12 and up)
East Lake Open Streets (all ages)
Children’s Museum Behind-the-Scenes tour (all ages)
Walker Sculpture Garden Scavenger Hunt (all ages)
A brief preview of our upcoming FabricTV+ series, and announcing the first-ever Fabric Film Festival! Put together a team and make a film together— it doesn’t matter if you’re a pro or haven’t made a short film before… it’s all about creativity, not perfection!