Jesus + Sisyphus (Easter 2021)
Easter is coming. It’s coming after a year of being sealed up and weighed down by the pandemic and a handful or two of other things, including winter. On Easter, Sunday, April 4, Fabric is gathering anyone and everyone who doesn’t know what to do with those rocks for a Livestream get together. We will have some fun despite those stones. We will take a break from pushing them. And we might even be able to realize that they don’t seal us off from what really matters as much as we think. We are calling it, “Jesus & Sisyphus.” Join us on April 4 for one of our THREE livestream events and find out why. And invite someone else who is eager for life without the weight of this last year. RSVP for the Easter Livestream that works for you (or all three!)…
Sunday, April 4 @ 9am: RSVP on our Facebook Event.
Sunday, April 4 @ 10:30am: RSVP on our Facebook Event.
Sunday, April 4 @ 4pm: RSVP on Facebook Event.
Want to make Easter happen? There is a way for everyone to be involved in our Easter gathering. We aren't looking for perfection, we are looking for YOU, showing up, as your beautiful self. We are calling on people who will sing, act, tell a story, play an instrument, share their marketing know-how, edit videos, and want to share and connect in their own way. Email Katy.
Some Deeper wisdom about doing your job from Mayyadda and Katy Schalla Lesiak’s OpEd this week. “…If those questions raise your own version of imposter syndrome or worry that you are wasting your time or not doing enough – you might be doing something right!”