We’re exploring this question and response in four ways these weeks leading up to Christmas. This week, fragile…
Because I Love You - Fragile (aired Dec 12) It is interesting that love’s power is different from most other forms. Rather than heavy handed and showy, Love’s unstoppable nature comes in fragile forms. Billboards and headlines can announce it, but only the heart can know it. Is it possible that unconditional love offered in vulnerable ways is not only risky for you, but comes at great cost to the giver?
This episode explores the receiving and giving of this fragile love. You know it in its tender, defenseless, giving, risky, soft and welcoming presence. How have you seen it? How have you been it? What do you wonder about it?
One can look at the Bible as the history of God - who is love - wrestling with the most powerful way to make love fully manifest in the world. And it is pretty clear in the birth, life and death of Jesus that God's decision is, "in the most fragile way possible." - Greg Meyer
Discover more about Love’s fragile power in these images from Jeanette Mayo.
Jeanette Mayo Photography
Pause Box: The Pause Box is a ritual for this season before Christmas to help you practice, discover and share the love that the world holds for you - in all its beautiful, breathtaking, fragile and undeserved forms. Try it this week! You don’t need just the right supplies or even questions - the important part is making a physical space and time to pause. You can practice it on your own, with a friend, family or Fabric group. All of them will have their own kind of value.
A brief preview of our upcoming FabricTV+ series, and announcing the first-ever Fabric Film Festival! Put together a team and make a film together— it doesn’t matter if you’re a pro or haven’t made a short film before… it’s all about creativity, not perfection!